
24th time

The war continued to go back and forth. The Chibchas had overestimated the Timotocuico troops, who exhibited tactics and daring, demonstrating that they were planning a long war with very big ambitions. The Caribs were extremely cruel, sowing terror among Chibcha civilians and military. The Inca army moved on and very soon the slow Inca warriors showed that they were not capable of facing a guerrilla war of wide mobility.

The Timotocuicas learned from their Carib allies and began to carry out intelligent and careful ambushes, defensively immobilizing large Chibcha contingents in the main villages and succeeded in limiting the Incas to travel the royal roads, while the commercial caravans were carefully watched by both armies, since the commercial losses were immense.

Ita Za Beru was commissioned to direct military operations in the north and was personally dismissed by Saba Tamac. Ita's bearing was one of total martial pride and he publicly swore on his honor that in only hours he would finish with the

--Timotocuicas and the Carib are sweet babys. --Having said this, he marched north at the head of an endless column of Chibcha warriors, followed by the fearsome trotting corps of the Inca army, true fierce fighters.

Hialpeca looked dismayed at the immense army marching against the land of her ancestors, while Ave Azul appeared at her husband's side dressed as a Caribbean princess, to demonstrate once again her complete disagreement with what had been done.

--You must dialogue," --said Blue Bird to her husband, helped and encouraged by the looks of Hialpeca, Tanda and Altulay, --"this war will not be easy. We are a people of merchants and artisans. If you win you will have to occupy all the territory of the Timotocuicas and make a huge budgetary burden for the financing of the army of occupation and you will be forced to appoint Tanda queen regent, who will be seen as queen of occupation, while Tahirza grows and is enthroned, which will bring as a consequence that you put at risk the lives of both. You will not lose the war; for the alliance does not have the capacity to defeat you. But most likely Ita Za Beru will not be able to remain stable, it will be an economic drain and then ..........

--Say it- said Altulay seeing the silence of the others and completing the idea- I agree with everything you say. It is absolutely true. As a consequence of this the Inca empire will collect every last man and will become stronger. They will not impose a husband, but all the husbands for the princesses. They will not have to wait for our natural death to eliminate the independence of the Chibchas.

--You are very graphic,"-- said Saba Tamac, while she removed the cold from her body with a drink of hot brandy,-- "but it is not like that, as you see it. It is very true that Timotocuicas, Goajiros, Timotocuicas, Pemones and Caribs have neither together nor by parts the capacity to defeat us. Neither do I have any ambition for their lands. We are simply going to establish a war of fixed and impregnable positions, which will wear them down precisely themselves. They will soon see that they cannot defeat us. We will negotiate, we will introduce them to Tahirza and the false king of the Timotocuicas will have to abdicate. Tanda will be named queen regent until Tahirza is fit to rule.

--Tanda?" --asked Hyalpeca, still without understanding.

--She will be assisted by Son of the Condor as regent consort," --he explained his secret political move, which by that time was already widely discussed even in the last corner of the sacred city by children over 8 years old.

--The Caribs will not accept that. Tahirza is also princess Timotocuicas. She is the key to unite two kingdoms and create a very strong and powerful one, equal or more powerful than us. At the first opportunity they will kidnap her and take her to the islands..." --they explained in turn, demonstrating that despite their knitting and cooking, the princesses were two days ahead of the Great Chieftain in the art of politics.

--I don't know how.-- said Saba Tamac, frightened to hear so many truths.

--You don't know us,"-- said Blue Bird in turn,-- "the Caribs do not make stable sites. They will attack up the Orinoco and ravage the isolated villages, burn the lands, take the girls to impregnate them and make them work as slaves. The boys will be castrated and will work in agriculture. As for Tahirza. Even with a thousand men guarding her, she will not be safe.