
27th time

The princess said to them in the Caribbean language; without the slightest concern for those present in the gigantic throne room.

--The gods have brought you here alive to witness Tahirza, the only daughter of Litu Ratú. This girl is the undisputed queen of the Timotocuico peoples and Caribbean princess, with rights in my lands beyond the sea. It is necessary that some of you escape to the lands of the Timotocuicas and tell them that here is their queen; that Saba Tamac is guilty of nothing; for someone carried out the assassination and peace must be made.

The men saw the girl presented by the caribe girl. The true and authentic Timotocuicas queen and an immense emotion seized them...The rumor from the Timotocuicas barracks was true; there was an heir and they were seeing him.

The prisoners were violently removed by the Chibcha guards, leaving Saba Tamac, Blue Bird and Son of the Condor.

--How was the battle? asked the great Cacique.

--My father and our father, I must tell you that my group is the most advanced troop, near the Timotocuicas border; we had a hedgehog position, being constantly attacked by all enemies; but in the last attack we made a double ring exterminating them inside the sack, then we made a raid attacking their supply camps .... inside their territory.

--Didn't you stay in fixed positions,??--" asked the Cacique, slowly incorporating himself, assimilating what his subordinate cacique had said.

--No, my father and our father," --answered the boy, surprised by the question.

--That was not the order. We have a line of command and if each cacique is going to do what he wants, I don't know what will happen then," ---said the Great Lord of the Pueblos in disgust.

At that very moment Bibut was visiting Altulay again in the room of the palace that corresponded to the princess, it was a very Inca corner and anyone entering there, would think to be in the palace of Cuzco.

--Her lord father and my father personally raises petitions to the gods in favor of his beloved daughter," --said the man, lying face down, covering his face with his hands.

--I do the same for my lord father," --answered the woman, with an elegant smile. It was so strange that his sudden love for her, the last daughter of the last wife and married almost since her adolescence to that distant young Saba Tamac, when the kingdom of the Chibchas was an insignificant kingdom, which thanks to the ingenuity and tenacity of its inhabitants, managed to become an economic power desired by all and even more now when the recent discoveries of silver, gold and emeralds made the area a tempting delicacy. Equally distant were the days when she asked for audiences not given by her father. Receiving the affront when Xixata was born and went to present her to him, the great Inca politely stated that he was too busy to meet his granddaughter. Now everything was more than different; the great Inca showed a sudden and inordinate love for his daughter and Xixata was to be watched, lest it should occur to her sacred grandfather to kidnap her at any time and keep her in the temple palace of Cuzco.

-- Her sacred father shows great regret for the sudden decision of the most beloved of all his granddaughters to enter the temple of the moon, forgetting his duties to him and to this beloved kingdom,"--- said the man diplomatically from his initial position, to emphasize the importance of the divine princess. Something that had not happened since many years ago, in which the Inca diplomat had never deigned to even pay her a protocol courtesy visit at the birthday parties of the little princess.

--!!But what a good system of espionage!!," --thought the woman, sipping her cayenne tea, "what a great discovery to know that Xixata has duties with her grandfather

--. But what a great discovery to know that Xixata has duties with her grandfather! But more than that!

My daughter has acquired very important duties before the gods. The future of the kingdom deserves someone to pray for us," --said the princess, leaving the man on the floor.

They were silent for a few minutes. The woman held back her laughter. Until with a ceremonious touch to the prostrate man she indicated him to be again one of her equals.

--Likewise," --said Bibut, receiving a cup of cayenne tea from the queen, inwardly grateful that she allowed him to speak sitting next to her, ---"the Son of the Sun is increasing in his anguish and grief over the disastrous conduct of the war. It is unnecessary, costly, profitable to no one.

--It is more than magnificent that the Great Sun has us in his most primordial thoughts,--" said the woman, seeing where the arrows were coming from, "---presumably my father and our father will have some solutions dictated by the gods. Perhaps more troops, although the enemies have also beaten the Inca army.

---The great Inca has only the advice of a father for the most beloved of his daughters.

These are.

----It is necessary that Saba Tamac be spoken frankly to. She should be asked and begged to hand over the kingdom to his wife... that his granddaughter come back to reality and come out of this madness, that she go immediately to Cuzco to fulfill the marriage wishes of her grandfather, who wants her under the care of his loving eyes.... Many good things will come of this. Prosperity and flourishing, debt forgiveness, compensation in gold for each of the dead soldiers, wounded and relatives for the rest of their lives. They will be able to benefit from aspects not yet known by the Chibcha people, such as new and advanced Inca medical techniques in the area of surgery, new agricultural techniques of intensive irrigation, no one will dare under any aspect or even think of attacking an inch of Chibcha land; they will be the most powerful and advanced people in the world.

---An infinite civil war on the part of the Chibchas, when the people find out that the Great Cacique was murdered by his own wife, fulfilling the wishes of his father, who additionally has kidnapped his granddaughter as hostage of a pact that only benefits a single person - completed the intelligent princess looking significantly to the other.

--But no one has to know about it,"--- said the ambassador recklessly.

--Until you said so,--" thought the princess and said in an icy and distant voice, ---"It seems to me that for the moment we have finished this conversation. You will excuse me.

--Yes, your excellency, mother and our mother," ---said Bibut cursing himself, aware of the mistake he had made.

---In addition, court duties prevent me from continuing these pleasant conversations for a while.

---But your excellency... your father and my father,"--- said the man in a pitiful tone.