
30th time

Bibut considered that he was competing with any traveling agent; if he continued in this way, he would open a gap in the royal road between so many comings and goings to the urgent calls of his lord and master. It was a tiresome, dangerous and long trip, where by the way he had to find out during the development of the same, where his sacred chief was, between Cuzco or Machu Pichu. At least this time he knew that the great Inca was in Machu Pichu, which indicated that he was in spiritual spirits.

--Now the Chibcha empire is at war in all its borders, except in our part. The Jíbaros and Jiraharas are extremely bellicose in the south; they have already lost respect from their neighbors.

--I know that,"-- said the sacred man inscrutably, --"the Chibcha ambassador has already come that way, all tearful and dragged with messages from the inept Saba Tamac asking for more military aid.

It is already known in all the tribes that the Chibchas will not be able to sustain a war of attrition much longer.

Neither can we. My plans are already showing shape and real time. Soon I will seat Altulay on the Chibcha throne.

--The Chibcha laws forbid a woman on the throne,"-- said the ambassador with extreme care.

--Where is this law??,"-- said the man suddenly, --"Where is the one who is going to tell me no? Laws are made to be changed. It costs me nothing to occupy Chibcha territory and do as I please. Suddenly even the hot lands of the Timotocuicas are attractive to me. The alliance does not have how to win the war, but they are going to annoy the life to Saba Tamac and they are going to make him lose confidence in himself, everything has as logical end my own benefit.

--There is a group plotting internally to seize power. They have already talked to me several times,"-- explained the ambassador, understanding perfectly well that this same group was talking to the great Capac.

-- Yes, the only one who does not want to realize that Ita Za Berú and Rut Za Berú are plotting is the fool of Saba Tamac himself. I am more than certain that if you go to any street corner and ask any "chicha" vendor he will immediately tell you that the pair are conspiring.

---Ita is right now in the north fighting against the alliance.

---Ufff!"-- said the Inca raising his arms to the sky,-- "that one won't even beat them.

Son of the Condor looked at his legions in dismay. They looked like a ship battered by a storm. Virtually no one was unharmed and they were literally falling asleep. The attacks of the alliance were more forceful and followed. Today alone they already had more than ten and six defenses. Now there was no time to eat, to cover the needs, sleep was a luxury. Life was a continuous war with five-minute breaks and the useless order of Saba Tamac to remain immobile at any cost, preventing patrols, explorations and counterattacks. Son of the Condor was already at his limits of patience, while he ate some guanábanas, violently releasing the fruit when he heard the characteristic shouting that preceded the combat. The cacique took a long Caribbean spear and said.

--This is over at once. When they retreat immediately we don't hit them back. They are going to live the same as they give us. I don't give a damn about diplomatic gestures," --he said as he stood in front of his men waiting for the horde that was coming over them, ---"Triple Feo, let's not hold the position, open up and let them in, then we close the gap, they take care of the group that enters and I will chase the ones that remain outside.

--At last!"-- exclaimed the other, who had a huge bump on his forehead.

So they did, opening the line and allowing a mass of Caribs to enter, closing the line and leaving that group inside the pocket. The rearguard of the attackers was composed of Timotocuicas who found themselves in the open in front of the Chibcha line, now composed of more veteran soldiers and with no desire for mercy.

Hijo del Condor and his people clashed violently with them and the Caribs inside the pocket could not make contact with anyone, receiving a seemingly endless shower of arrows, which decimated them without giving them a chance to fight. Very soon the Timotocuicas began the retreat, with the Chibchas stuck like ticks to their heels, in each combat these with fury decimated the Timotocuicas, who opted to increase their flight to the border; but this time the Chibchas did not stop.

For the first time the Caribs knew defeat after forty days of war.

--I want prisoners,"-- said Son of the Condor, happy for his second victory, the first of great importance and forcefulness in the war, "---now Saba Tamac will have to listen and understand.