
33th Time

Days later, on the distant northern beaches, the immense catamarans and canoes reached the shore. From them descended in complete silence and lined up like ants more Carib warriors, entering the thicket and starting a fast trot, while behind them more and more catamarans and canoes arrived on the beaches, starting the infinite road to the southern plains, to increase the din of war.

The alliance had suddenly lowered the intensity of the war. Somehow the Chibchas stabilized their front and the troops showed greater efficiency and the Caribs hesitated many times before attacking.

--In a few moons they will be here," --Black Serpent informed his allies.

These troops of refreshment will give us depth in the attack. The great cacique Seboruco wants to rescue Ave Azul and destroy the kingdom of the Chibchas, once we go up the Andes.

-- Not even if you bring the Caribs that will be born in a hundred years we will be able to take the sacred city of the Chibchas,"-- said the little cacique Goajiro.

Soon we will demonstrate our power and speak with the great lord of the Inca peoples. We will do business, of that I am sure," said Rafahtrak,-- "we will dismember the kingdom.

After he accepts all our proposals, he invades us and takes everything he wants. Look at the brave Guarani how they lost part of the Chaco, because they were making deals with the great Capac Inca.

--They will not come. They don't like the hot lands. They are comfortable up there in the mountains-tercio Rafahtrak-but they would like to share the territory of the Chibcha peoples.

--They have no need to share anything, just take it,"-- said Xuzito.


The great Inca listened attentively to reports of the distant war. The emperor understood that it was becoming long and impoverishing. He did not want to commit more troops in the north. He wanted to cross the arid southern desert and extend into the vast plains as far as the Patagones would allow. He also wanted the lands of the Aymaras, where the salt mines had made them immensely powerful overnight. He also wanted those salt mines for himself.

But the Chibcha delicacy with its gold, silver and emerald mines had kept him dreaming, but what was missing, where was the point that would tilt everything in his favor, would the Chibcha people really rebel against an Inca domination, he was playing diplomacy for fun in his dull days, but things were looking serious. Now the spectating public was also playing on a board where everyone had their own chips and rules.

The man smiled in amusement. He was having a lot of fun.

He was also receiving a request for military assistance from Ita Za Beru personally. It was a message between the lines that needed to be analyzed more carefully. The fact was not the request itself; it indicated that already Saba Tamac did not have the army in a great part with him; the war in his hands had no perspective and that Ita Za Berú wanted to negotiate. What could the sworn enemy offer of the Inca presence in the Chibcha kingdom, how did he so that Saba Tamac did not find out...? He almost felt sorry for Saba Tamac; such an idiot, he didn't know what was going on in his own army. He smiled with pleasure. It was the best thing that could happen to so many years lived. To have fun, to enjoy the destinies of another. And so he would.

-- Let Bibut come," ---ordered the great Inca, hidden behind the curtain that isolated him on his throne, in the main hall of the palace in Cuzco.


How is it that Blue Bird is alive and married to the king of the Chibchas,"??-- asked the Black Serpent in the height of astonishment to the escaped Caribs.

--Yes, my father and our father," ---said Koruko,--- "she helped us escape from the sacred city. She also taught us the daughter of Litu Ratú.

----It is true then. There is a queen.

----She is a girl.

Indeed, a girl, and her name is Thirza,"--- explained the warrior.

----Well, what a name: mother of the people," ---said the Caribbean Chieftain to himself.

Or the queen mother.

Yes, she would then have all the rights over the Timotocuicas kingdom. Without any discussion. Rafahtrak is not going to like it when he finds out.

Bluebird told us that she was his aunt mother.

Indeed, no one will dispute that. And she, although very distantly, has rights over the Chibcha people.

At least being part of the royal council....

-----For the moment I will not say anything,"--- said Black Snake thoughtfully, ---"let him hear it from the mouths of the Chibchas when the time comes. But we will tell everything to our great cacique my father and our father Seboruco, everything about Ave Azul and Tahirza.