
59th time

The other remained silent.

Ruth looked at him sideways and tried to understand the reason for the delay in the reinforcements.

--Could it be that you have lost influence with the tubercular Seboruco? Be careful, Black Snake. I don't like hidden agendas...


--It's all right. It is very difficult to navigate at sea now because of the storms," --said the other with a nervous smile.

--I hear that the Caribs are delayed by storms,"-- Rut Za Beru replied warily, trying to scrutinize the other's fugitive gaze.

The war intensified and the mercenaries in Chibcha uniform fought with the bravery of desperation, giving up every inch of ground. Tahirza showed courage worthy of the greatest of the Caribs and his name was spoken with awe and respect. Marutta was establishing herself as an unsurpassed strategist, Tahirza as her efficient enforcement arm and Son of the Condor increased his inexhaustible fury, the closer the snow-capped mountains loomed in front of them.