We finish watching Survivor with Carla and then linger on our goodbyes, promising that we will come by tomorrow before we fly home. I know she’s spent nights here without my Dad before but it’s still hard to leave her alone tonight.

Danny is still quiet on the car ride to the hotel. I catch him stealing glances at me occasionally.


He shrugs.

Talk to me, I say and search for his hands, to grab and hold them calm me, but I can’t seem to find where his hand is right now.

Do you remember when you moved into your apartment?

Yes, I do remember that day vividly. That night, my dad, Dom and Luis were all around to help me move in my things, but Danny remained back when others had gone just to help me set the bed right. It was rather coincidental that everyone else aside Danny had somewhere to go that night. It was yet another time that I pretty much threw myself at him and he told me no.

Yeah, I remember, I finally answer him.