We drive up after the sex at the hotel, and we reach the outskirts of Savannah when the sun is setting, and I’m plotting the logistics of Danny and me staying together tonight. Unfortunately, I don’t see any way for it to happen, especially when we both have to go to work tomorrow. I reluctantly ask him to drop me at my place so he can take the car to his house.

We get to my house and pull over in the parking space. We unload my things, blocking all the parking spaces behind my building. I take my carry-on bag and Danny grabs the rest. As we are coming up the back steps, my neighbour, Mrs Ogden, opens her door.

Vivienne, she calls out, I thought that was you.

She looks at me briefly then studies Danny and says to me, —I haven’t seen you around much lately.

Yeah, I’ve been out of town, I just got in now, were you looking for me? I enquire.