You know that sick feeling you get when you are still technically in a relationship, but you know it’s really already over? Danny and I are still a couple, but...

He goes to Charlotte to visit his son for Christmas while I’m at Dom’s, trying not to spread my desolation all over her family gathering. Luis’s family is there, too, doubling the number of people that are supposed to be around. I hide out in Dom’s room a lot, pretending to not obsessively check my phone for calls or texts from Danny.

I make an appearance at dinner but wish it was socially appropriate to eat alone in the kitchen. I put up sham smiles oftentimes, which I’m not sure if anyone else is buying, but Dom isn’t. She corners me in her room and lures me out of my cone of sadness with her aunt’s killer pie.

I’m glad you’re here.

Seriously? I smirk. I don’t think I’m really adding to the festivities.

I would be worried sick about you if you weren’t here.