King Olaf

It was time for Amie to travel to the 10 kingdoms. Political in nature, observing Amie's suitors was last on the agenda. Knowing this, Amie was less nervous and more excited to travel. She wished to go on adventures far away from the tower she spent most of her life in.

The first destination on the list was the Kingdom of Jórvik, ruled by King Olaf. Amie had not actually met King Olaf yet. He never visited the palace and he sent a messenger to bid for Amie's hand in marriage. King Javert continued to consider him a prospective candidate because not only was King Olaf's reputation unusually exceptional, King Javert had his eye on making an alliance with Jórvik to help boost his own kingdom's status.

"Jacques, please behave yourself for once. We could lose a powerful ally if you act obnoxious and we can't afford anymore vulnerabilities. " King Javert was speaking to Prince Felix and Prince Jacques in the carriage ride to the Castle of Jórvik, "Felix, you're responsible for observing the King and his subjects. Our reputation has been slipping and I want some insight on how to prevent a revolt."

Prince Jacques rolled his eyes on his brother's duties, "So you just want me to sit around looking pretty? If that's the case, I'll borrow a dress from Adeline and try to swoon the King myself." He began to speak high pitched, exaggerating Amie's mannerisms, "Oh King Olaf, your sooo handsome. Please accept me as your bride and I promise to ravish you in bed tonight!"

King Javert was quick to put a stop to Prince Jacques' immature behavior, "Enough of that! this is the only warning you are getting! For crying out loud, you're sitting next to a lady!"

"Peasant lady." Jacques mumbled.

Prince Felix interjected, "Look, there's the castle in the distance. Perhaps we can all calm down before they see us squabbling."

Jacques mumbled again, "Wife snatcher."

Everyone was silent after Prince Jacques' immature name-calling. Everyone's mood inside the carriage was soured for the rest of the ride to the castle.

Amie did not say a single word the entire way and she had no intentions of saying anything while King Javert was present. She did her best to ignore the arguing and enjoy the scenic views outside the window. Her attention didn't shift until the carriage stopped.

The footman opened the carriage door, "Welcome to Castle Jórvik."

The four of them stepped out of the carriage and made their way into the castle. Amie followed behind the other three, immersing herself in her new surroundings. She was not used to being in such a fortified place, where guards stood watch on top of ramparts.

Amie was starting to feel some sense of worry. She was doing an excellent job of forgetting the undertones of marriage that accompanied this outing as long as she could. But now that she was physically facing reality, she could not hide her fears from herself.

Prince Jacques looked back to check on Amie. Noticing her demeanor started to shift since arriving, he stepped back to chat with her, "Father says King Olaf is the strongest candidate for your marriage proposal. That means if you mess this up, you'll get to marry an unattractive infertile invalid."

Amie was sullen for a short moment before growing in irritation, "Didn't Father tell you not to misbehave?"

Prince Jacques flashed his signature mischievous smile, "I haven't done anything. Oh and Adeline..." He leaned in to whisper, "he's not your father."

She rolled her eyes, whispering so nobody could hear, "And Adeline is not my real name, now stop playing around."

Jacques was puzzled, "What do you mean?"

Their conversation was interrupted as they stopped in the middle of a dining hall. A tall and well built man was walking towards them, "Welcome to Jórvik! It is nice to finally meet you, King Javert. I'm grateful we are finally able to see each other face-to-face. Your kingdom is so far away, it will be nice to build relations with someone new!" King Olaf grabbed King Javert's had in an unintentional death grip and shook it so hard, it looked as though his arm was about to fall off.

King Javert winced before replying, "It's nice to meet you as well. This is my eldest son, Prince Felix, this is my youngest son, Prince Jacques, and this is my beautiful daughter, Princess Adeline."

King Olaf was a handsome man, but his intense green eyes felt as though they were burrowing into Amie's soul, "Greetings, Princess."

Amie couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She said quietly and quickly while she curtsied, "Greetings, Your Majesty."

His gaze was fixated on her a moment longer before turning to the dining table, "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's eat!" He gestured for everyone to follow him to the dining table.

King Javert thanked him for his hospitality and they sat to eat. The Kings were discussing policy as the food was brought out. Every now and then, Amie could feel King Olaf's stare burning into her.

After they were done eating, everyone was getting up from their seats when King Olaf stopped King Javert and Amie, "If you don't mind, could I take Princess Adeline for a stroll through my gardens? I would love to learn more of the woman I intend to marry, but know so little about."

King Javert exclaimed "Of course! Afterwards, would you be interested in discussing business? Or would you prefer to wait until tomorrow?"

King Olaf responded, "Afterwards is fine, King Javert. Despite the rumours I've heard, you seem like a kind gentleman."

King Javert gave an uneasy laugh, "That's both flattering and concerning."

King Olaf's tone became more serious, "Yes, we will discuss more later."

King Olaf's statement caught King Javert off guard, but before he could inquire into it further, King Olaf had already taken leave with Amie following.

Once in the garden, King Olaf addressed Amie rather unusually, "No need to pretend to flirt or take my arm. Let's walk side by side as friends, not as lovers."

Amie was taken aback, "Do you not intend to marry me then?"

King Olaf was frank, "No, I do not. It's just the only way I could think to speak to you, Amie."

Amie's heart skipped a beat at the sound of her own name, "How do you know my name?"

King Olaf explained, "Some people are born blessed with a knowledge, or an ability to obtain knowledge. I am one of those people."

Amie was confused, "What do you mean?"

King Olaf elaborated, "Sometimes, when I sleep, I have visions. I've seen your destiny Amie, but only a small glimpse of it."

Amie asked, "Is that why you wanted to see me?"

King Olaf nodded, "Yes, I was meant to tell you the message before our paths diverge."

Amie was hesitant, but asked anyway, "What is it?"

King Olaf began reciting the prophecy, "Amie will die, Adeline will be born of pain and suffering. At the end of days, God's promise is near. Cut the air and say goodbye forever. When a monster is seen, run towards him. Paradise awaits."

Amie felt heavy. It sounded like a prophecy of death.

King Olaf could tell Amie was misunderstanding the prophecy, "All I can tell you is the two of us are on paths filled with strife, what lies in front of us is struggle and hardship. But beyond that is a life well lived and I promise you, you will get there."

Amie wanted to know his path of strife, "You're on a path of strife too?"

King Olaf laughed, "I guess it's not as worrying when you've seen what happens. But yes, I know my kingdom will be taken from me soon and I will be betrayed." King Olaf paused for a moment before saying, "You know what's funny too? You and I share something else in common."

Amie asked, "What's that?"

King Olaf said, "Two names."

Amie was confused, "Really? What do you mean?"

King Olaf told Amie, "The bards call me Havelock. They've made quite a few strange stories about me." He leaned in to half-whisper, "apparently a light glows in my mouth while I sleep"

Amie let out a slight giggle, "Well that is strange indeed."

While her prophecy sounded bleak, there was something about King Olaf that assured her everything would be alright. She understood why his subjects loved him so dearly, "It's a shame this might be the last time we meet. While I am in love with someone else, I can say with confidence that whoever you marry will be lucky to have such a kind husband"

King Olaf reassured her, "Apologies for not following through with my proposal. I promise though, you will find the right one, and he is lucky to have such a beautiful woman as yourself."

They continued to chat merrily as newfound friends until it was time for the political discussions between the Kings.

Amie was concerned, "I hope you will be gentle with your rejection of me. I fear the worst if King Javert does not believe I will be an acceptable bride."

King Olaf laughed, "Who says I'm rejecting you?"

Amie was confused, "I don't understand."

King Olaf said, "I don't have to reject you, I have to abandon this castle the night after you leave. King Javert will not know I had no intentions of marrying you. He will receive a message of the news shortly after you arrive home."

Amie was relieved, "Thank you." She also worried for his own safety, "You will be alright though?"

King Olaf was relaxed with his response to such a dire situation, "Don't worry about me, I know everything will be fine."

They ended their conversation and said their goodbyes. Amie followed a servant to the quarters she would be staying in for the duration of their visit. King Olaf made his way to his study where King Javert was waiting.