Bad Reputation

Next on the list for Amie to visit was King Osred of Northumbria. She heard rumors of his antics. Being only 18 years of age, the young king had already garnered a reputation far worse than Prince Jacques. He was known to be a drunkard and to have a fetish for nuns. There was even a rumor going around that he wished to conquer the world so that he could convert all of the other kingdoms to his religion, just so that he could have an unending supply of virgin nuns.

Amie had no desire to meet with King Osred, but she did not feel them same dreaded sense of doom as she had for King Charles. Although King Osred was a powerful man and the lands of Northumbria were vast, Amie felt that she might be able to persuade King Javert out of the idea of marrying him because of his terrible reputation.

Before they embarked on their journey, she pulled Prince Jacques aside and clued him in on the scheme, "I need you to talk about King Osred's poor reputation on the way to the kingdom."

Jacques already knew what she was up to, "Already trying to weasel your way out of another suitor?"

Amie hushed him, "Keep your voice down, I don't need anybody else hearing about my plan, unless you want to see me murdered, that is."

Jacques teased, "As long as you stay on my good side, then don't worry about it."

Amie was not amused by his joke, "Please just help me without causing me trouble."

Jacques replied with an exaggerated bow "As you wish."

They departed ways until it was time to leave.

The ride to Northumbria was going as planned. While Amie remained silent, Jacques did his part and started gossiping with his brother about King Osred, "Do you think he'll have some nuns there for us?"

Prince Felix rolled his eyes, "I'm sure those rumors are the product of a smear campaign. Honestly, Jacques, how could you be so dense to believe such absurdities?"

Jacques was smiling wickedly, "Oh come on Felix, you're telling me you wouldn't want to take the virginities of a hundred women?"

Felix was growing irritated, "You're disgusting! There's no way a king would act in such a vulgar manner, and I wish you would stop fantasizing about it as well. Instead of thinking of new ways to destroy your reputation further, why don't you put your brain to good use and find a respectable bride!"

Amie was observing the conversation carefully. She saw King Javert's facial expressions change with each perverted joke Prince Jacques made. She was especially interested in King Javert's reaction to the word 'reputation'. He remained silent, but his face contorted in disdain at the mention of the offensive rumors.

Once they arrived at their destination, Prince Jacques' tactics started showing progress. He had aggravated his brother enough so that Prince Felix spent the entire carriage ride defending the reputation of King Osred. The constant reminder of how poor King Osred's reputation was, combined with a firsthand glimpse of how exhausting it would be to maintain a reputation while allied with one of such status, was already weighing heavy on King Javert's conscience.

Things only got worse as they entered the castle. They were confronted with the reality of the rumors actually being true. There were naked and nearly naked women everywhere, some of which were wearing nun headwear with nothing else. Almost everyone inside the castle was drunk, including the guards.

Amie could tell that King Javert wanted to leave immediately, but he had to at least call off the engagement properly.

They arrived to the throne room, where King Osred was fooling around with two women. He was completely unaware of his surroundings.

King Javert and Prince Felix were frozen in shock at the sight. While they were distracted, Prince Jacques whispered to Amie, "Are you sure you don't want to marry him? I think he would be a wonderful brother-in-law. Only if he was willing to share his women, of course."

Amie, still very much innocent, was not paying attention to Prince Jacques. Normally she would have quipped back, but her senses were overwhelmed with the smell of booze and she felt a strange sense of embarrassment and excitement at witnessing a sexual act for the first time.

Prince Jacques noticed Amie's cheeks turning red, "I didn't know you were into this sort of thing."

The comment was enough to shake Amie back into reality, "Be quiet you pervert! I would rather be returned to the orphanage than to be stuck here surrounded by this sort of debauchery for the rest of my life."

Prince Jacques couldn't help but prey on Amie's innocence, "Are you sure? Because it seems like you're enjoying the show. I could show you a- ow!"

Amie stomped on Prince Jacques' toes to silence him, "I said be quiet!"

The group, not quite sure what do, and not willing to go near King Osred while he was enjoying himself, ended up waiting for him to finish. Judging by the sweat on the three of them, they had been going at it for a while before King Javert arrived.

King Osred suddenly started thrusting faster. The women were moaning louder and louder, keeping rhythm with the king's thrusts. One was enjoying his fingers while the other was riding him. With one final thrust into the woman bouncing on top of him, the exhibition was over.

King Javert exaggerated clearing his throat to get King Osred's attention. Finally noticing the group of outsiders standing awkwardly in front of him, King Osred made eye contact with King Javert, "You need beer or something?"

King Javert replied, "No thank you. I've come to inform you that we have decided my dear Princess Adeline will be marrying someone else. Apologies for inconveniencing you."

King Osred responded "You came out all this way to reject me? Wow, what a waste of a trip." He paused for a moment, before speaking again. Already forgetting what they were just talking about, he asked, "Hey, if you're not here for ladies or beer, what are you here for?"

King Javert mumbled while turning around to leave, "I don't know." He then proceeded to usher his group back to the carriage as quickly as possible.

Prince Jacques complained the moment they got in the carriage, "We could've had some fun before leaving. Why did you rush us like that?"

King Javert was tired, "Jacques, could you please, just this one time, keep your mouth shut?"

Prince Jacques began to pretend-pout, "B-b-but daaad, I wanna play with the pretty sluuuts."

King Javert, with his head in his hands, begged his son, "Please stop. Please, please, please, just stop."

Amie was wearing as serious of a face as she could. She looked as though she was mortified by the sight. In actuality, she was doing everything she could not to burst into laughter.

The moment the group arrived back home, Amie went straight to her side of the palace. Jacques followed behind as quick and discreet as he could. The moment they knew they were safe, they both looked at each other and burst out laughing.

Amie asked, "Did you see the guard on the ramparts with his pants on his head?"

Jacques responded, "No, I was too busy watching the nun praying naked."

They were in hysterics recounting the events of their trip to Northumbria.

Julia heard the commotion and came out to investigate, "Are you two alright?"

Amie broke from her uncontrollable laughter just long enough to exclaim, "Julia! Oh my goodness, I need to tell you what happened! My eye virginity has been taken!" She burst out laughing again.

Amie and Jacques took turns telling the story of their brief encounter with the perverted King Osred. Every time one broke down laughing, the other took over. Amie finished the tale with the confirmation, "Everything was true about him. Everything! The stories weren't rumors, it was all true!"

Julia was shocked, "Well then. I guess you were right to avoid him at the banquets."

Amie replied, "See? I told you!"

Jacques didn't know what they were talking about, "Told you what."

Amie responded, "I told Julia that when we first met, King Osred appeared cordial on the surface, but he had a strange hunger in his eyes that made me uncomfortable. I asked Julia if she knew anything about him, and she was the one who told me about all of the rumors. I told her, 'those aren't rumors, I bet it's all true', but Julia told me not to be so gullible."

Jacques replied, "Well, if you knew what you were walking into, then why were you surprised to see it all?"

Amie said, "I didn't think he would flaunt it so much. I assumed he kept his activities secret from outsiders. I didn't realize he didn't care who knew until we were witnessing it all."

Jacques retorted, "Either that, or he was trying to drive Father away on purpose."

Amie replied, "No. He was way too comfortable with us watching."

With that, they both burst out laughing again.

Jacques and Amie continued to chat with Julia a little longer until Amie could feel herself getting tired. The long journey was finally taking its toll. Amie bid Julia goodnight.

Jacques had gotten more brave, and instead of sneakily following Amie to her room, he just told her he was going to tag along, "So, miss Amie. I hate to pry, but who gave you the name Adeline?"

Amie was tired and a little irritated, "You really know how to twist the knife, don't you?"

Jacques replied half-sheepishly, "I'm sorry, I was just curious. There's a lot I don't know about you."

Amie sighed in mild frustration, "It's the name the orphanage gave me. They didn't like my birth name. Thought it wasn't 'royal' enough."

In a rare showing of empathy, Jacques responded, "That's the only thing you have left of your family, isn't it?"

Amie's head was lowered, trying to hide the pain, "When I was taken to the orphanage, I had my name, a necklace, and a dress, the last gift my parents ever gave me. The dress is long gone now."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Jacques had no interest in prying any further. Jacques finished escorting Amie to her room, and once arriving, bid her goodnight, "Goodnight, Amie. I'll continue to hope that your future is better than your past."

Amie recognized the sincerity in his voice. She responded quietly, still holding back tears from being reminded of her birth parents, "Thank you, Jacques. Goodnight."