Jacques and Peter

Peter escorted Amie to her room so she could freshen up for dinner. Amie asked Peter, "So is there anything you wished to talk to me about, or were you only interested in stealing me away from the clutches of your mother?"

Peter replied, "Well, I don't really have anything to talk about right now, but I was getting a little uncomfortable with you staying with her for so long."

Amie laughed, "I think I handled myself fairly well given the sudden news before our meeting."

Peter responded, "Apologies about that, I truly regret not waiting until we were married. I hope she didn't work any kind of evil into your head." When he saw Amie's smile fade, he asked, "What's wrong, my love? I was only joking, did she really do something to you?"

Amie shook her head, "No, no. It's nothing like that. We had a remarkably ordinary conversation. If anything she seemed to want to screen me to make sure I was a good match for you." She followed her fib with the truth of what was actually concerning her, "It's just... Peter, how sick is your mother?"

Peter scoffed, "What should I care? She's an evil witch! If she dies, she won't be able to do any harm."

Amie grimaced, "Peter... was she a bad mother to you?"

Peter was caught off guard by the question, "N-No, it's just, well... Once you find out someone isn't who they truly are, you can't just go back to the way things were. She lied to me, to everyone, and she's probably been using this palace as her base for her plans for years. I can't forgive her knowing now that she was an evil sorceress all along."

Amie looked away from Peter, "Yeah, I suppose you're right."

Peter looked at Amie. She could hear a caring tone in his voice with a hint of hostility, "My love, please don't tell me you've been corrupted by her. I'll never forgive her if she twisted your mind in any kind of way."

Amie turned to look Peter in the eyes, "Peter, please listen to me. She didn't say or do anything out of the ordinary while I was there. I just... I think she's dying, Peter. She doesn't look well."

Peter couldn't resist Amie's eyes, "My sweet angel, you're too naive. It won't suit you when you become a queen."

Amie blushed, "Peter, I don't un-" Amie was silenced when Peter stole a kiss from her. Twice in one day was overwhelming to Amie. She tried to pull away, "Peter, stop, this is unladylike."

Peter pulled her closer, "I think a farewell kiss is appropriate for a husband and wife, don't you agree?"

Amie couldn't help but to reciprocate Peter's advances. Amie's instincts were taking over, but just when her body was beginning to cave, she pulled away and gained control of herself again. She gazed into Peter's eyes, truly appreciating their wild intensity, "I think that's enough for tonight, my love. Or else you'll turn me into a woman too soon."

Peter was exuding an intense lust for Amie, "My wife. You are far better at keeping your composure than am I. Perhaps you will make a fine queen after all."

Amie was finally able to fully break free from his enchantment, "Thank you, Prince Peter, for escorting me to my quarters. I will see you for dinner."

Peter corrected her, "Please, it's just Peter."

Amie retorted, "If adding the Prince in front will keep you at bay, I think I will keep it for now."

Peter gave Amie a little smirk, "If that is how you wish it to be, then so be it My Lady." He bowed, and as he turned he said, "I will see you later, Princess."


Amie entered her room and closed the door behind her.


Amie jumped, and turned around completely startled that anyone was in her room, "Jacques? What are you doing here?"

Jacques was angry, "I came to check up on you since nobody has seen you all afternoon. Look what I find, a tramp already giving herself away before she is married."

Amie's mood quickly soured, "That is my future husband, and who are you to judge? How many women have you been with since you were sixteen? I haven't even lied in bed with my future husband yet, whereas you go tramping around the entire king-" A slap across the face interrupted her rant.

"Disgusting whore! You don't know what you're talking about!" Jacques stormed off before Amie could regain herself after the strike.


Amie made her way down to the dining hall where a seat was waiting for her. The seat was right between Jacques and Peter. Amie wanted to leave immediately, but she knew things would not go well if she did. Of course, given Jacques' mood, she was unsure the dinner would go well if she stayed.

Jacques was quick to start the conversations on a negative mood, "So, Peter. I hear you have a terrible habit of deflowering women after promising them they'll be your wife."

Amie was mortified by Jacques' comment, "Jacques, please don't embarrass everyone right now."

Jacques replied, "Well I think if I were a woman getting ready to marry, I would want to know if my future husband was at least celibate or not. Don't you think you should be concerned of such rumors? Don't want him seducing you only to leave you deprived of your womanhood and destitute."

Amie's face was red from anger and embarrassment, "Jacques, please behave yourself."

Peter was aggravated by this point as well. He turned to Jacques, "I don't know where you heard such slanderous rumors, but I can assure you that absurd nonsense you're spewing is just a pile of ramblings being spat out by a miscreant. If anything, I'd say the rumors about you, Prince Jacques, have more merit."

Amie was inclined to agreed with Peter, especially after the incident before dinner. Turning against Jacques, she joined in on the brewing argument, "Yes, well, I've never heard of the rumors you speak of about Prince Peter, Jacques. You, on the other hand, your immorality is known far and wide throughout numerous kingdoms."

Jacques glared at Amie, "I'm not the one who is supposed to be getting married. Adeline, why aren't you the least bit concerned of your future husband's rumors?"

King Javert's voice silenced the bickering immediately, "Are you implying, Jacques, that Adeline would be such an improper lady that she would dare sleep with a man before her wedding night?"

Jacques went silent at hearing his father take Peter and Amie's side. He remained quiet for the rest of the dinner as polite conversation awkwardly resumed.


Amie and company remained in Navarre for a full week before they embarked on their return journey. Amie had quite a few adventures with Peter, none of which were scandalous like the first day Amie was in Navarre. Innocent walks through the tree grove behind the palace and horseback riding lessons with Peter helped calm Amie's nerves.

She had never heard a single negative rumor about Peter, and Jacques saying all of those things that first night caused Amie to grow concerned. After a while, she was able to chalk up the 'rumors' to Jacques just trying to cause unnecessary drama. By the end of the trip, she had nearly forgotten her worries. Her fears were completely replaced by the growing love for Peter.

Jacques kept away from Amie the rest of the trip, likely after King Javert reprimanded him in private. The carriage ride back to Lutetia was silent and uneventful. When they arrived back home, Amie was grateful King Javert did not say anything to her and allowed her to leave for the South Tower in peace, where she immediately began looking for Julia.