The true owners of the night

It was a few minutes after midnight. The wind blew ghastly in the cold night as silence loomed over the city. Everyone had retired to their beds except for a few rebels who craved the thrill that staying out at such odd hours provided, drinking and partying in clubs as they hoped to enjoy the most of their fading youth.

But they would be making a grave mistake if they believed they were the only ones out at such an hour. It was around this time that nocturnal creatures- the true owners of the nights emerged from their heathen caves to carry out their dark agendas. Demons, beasts, and other monstrous creatures unheard of swam the city in large numbers as the darkness entrenched the city- of course, they could not be seen by the ordinary eye except when they chose to reveal themselves to their prey.

This didn't seem to be an issue for Modriel, the warrior angel of light. His countenance was as calm as ever and his broad shoulders relaxed as strolled around the big city. His attire was still the same as the time he appeared to Cortez- the long black coat and the black pants and black long boots.

He knew all well about these creatures- he once regarded some of them as family before the great fallout in Heaven- and now he hoped that they would cross his path. His blank expression soon faded and was replaced with a mood shut up in anger. His knuckles gave a cracking sound as he clenched his fists together. He was ready for a fight.

How the light from the streetlamps went flickered one after the other as he walked down the sidewalk drew the attention of an old beggar lying beside the trash. A couple of teenage youths gathered around a bonfire in a corner, playing loud music and drinking while a few others were at another corner, warming their bodies with the touch of their skin as they made out passionately.

Modriel grunted in disgust as he looked away. God's favorite creation and yet all they do is waste their lives, ignorant to all the things that were going on. That a great evil in the name of Lucifer was living in their midst.

An alleyway caught his eye at the end of the street. His steps got a lot slower as he walked into the dark narrow that led nowhere in particular as it was blocked by a high fence. He could feel the tension seize up the air on getting to the middle. Then he stopped.

"Why have come here, Ar'el?" A crooked voice hissed from a corner.

Modriel chuckled as his lips parted in a grin.

"So you do know who I am?" His neck turned in the direction whence the voice came.

"We'd be foolish not to recognize the power radiating all over you." Another voice croaked. "The power of a Valiant one is not to be compared to that of a lesser angel."

"But why is he here? Shouldn't he be up there in the silver city with his kind?" A third voice exploded.

"Quiet!" The first voice shunned immediately. "But it doesn't mean he is wrong Ar'el. We have been given the right to do as we please until the day of judgment- the night belongs to us."

The angel slowly turned around to face their direction.

"Oh really?"

"Yes," The voice replied. "There's no need for a battle tonight for we know who would prevail. You can just go on your way and mind your business while we mind ours."

"Tch… I'm afraid I can't do that." Modriel sighed. "Plus, there's a chance you might go mention my appearance here to your lord Lucifer."

"No, we won't. No one- not even the lords of hell have heard from Lucifer since he possessed the doctor and no one wants to—"

Already weary of the conversation, Modriel concentrated his power to his left hand. He stretched it out wide in a grip and a yellow light shaped like a sword appeared, its light so bright that it revealed the creatures he had been conversing with. They were bat-like; round-headed with two short horns, two bony wings jointed to their backs with large ears, and a frame small- a little taller than an average dwarf. Unknown to the demons, they were about to witness the power of a true Valiant one.

About a hundred surrounded him but they all cowered and shrieked at the sight of the light, shielding their wide eyes with both their hands and revealing a set of fangs in the process. Modriel went for the first demon, slashing it into two in one strike before it could wrap up his plea.

"You talk too much." Modriel spat in disgust.

The rest watched as their falling comrade engulfed in flames and faded into ashes, unsure of what to do next.

"Now, who's next?"

They all rushed him at once from all sides, using their sharp nails and occasionally their teeth as a weapon of attack. Modriel was able to withstand the first wave, turning and cutting at every demon his sword could reach while he dodged attacks coming from the rear with ease but then the demons were too vast for him to see all and anticipate all their movements at once. He tried striking at one of them who came for his side and missed but thankfully he recovered with a swerving kick to the demon's head, bashing him alongside a few others. But still, they kept coming at him.

It was then he figured it was best if he handled the heathens one on one if he wanted to leave this battle without any damage whatsoever.

His wings appeared immediately as his muscles contracted and with a mighty flap, he was in the air. The demons were disoriented at first by the mighty wind that blew as he went mid-air but they followed soon enough. Modriel landed on an open roof there they were also, all facing him opposite and directly; exactly what the angel wanted. By now he had eliminated a third of the demon army before him but it seemed like more had joined them after the first wave. He smiled.

"You all are so eager to meet your ends, eh? Come on then." He taunted, slashing the sword in the air.

They all charged from one direction, just like he wanted but it was more intense this time and Modriel was forced to engage all parts of his body in the fight now; slicing up some heads with his light sword and his left hand while he dealt heavy blows with his other hand and legs with great technique and agility and speed.

The remaining demons didn't regard how strong he was or how many comrades of theirs had fallen as they kept coming at him in greater numbers. How they kept increasing was a huge frustration to Modriel. Admittedly, he was getting weary of the battle.

Little did he know that about two monsters had slipped past him during the battle. They charged at him with such ferocity that he became alarmed at once and swerved his sword behind to cut at them. But he was only able to get one, slashing it into half from the head down.

The second monster dodged the blade and was about to dive its nails into the angel's thigh when another blade sliced its arm off the monster's body.

A disturbing look enveloped Modriel's face but it soon faded away as soon as he recognized who it was. There was no mistaking the armor- black and short and outlining every curve from her breast down to her small waist. She had braided white hair and wielded a short but deadly sword. It was Adina, another angel like him from the third heavens.

Modriel made no gesture to thank her for her involvement, instead, he kept on fighting and so did she. The two of them quickly became a force to reckon with for the monsters, both transitioning from side to side while they kept at watching each other's backs. They had now taken down more demons in one wave than Modriel did alone with three; it wasn't their first battle together.

But as usual, the swarm of monsters kept multiplying and charging at the duo.

"They just keep coming from nowhere." Adina grunted as she sabered another monster.

Modriel humphed as his eyes ran through the numbers, the battle was heading nowhere.

"It's time to end this." He barked as he raised his sword with both hands in the air. "Let there be light!"

Just as he had beckoned, a great light flooded the whole area with great intensity. Screams and shrieks followed as all the monsters began to fade away all at once as their form couldn't contain the fierce power emerging from the sword's glow. Some tried to run but they couldn't escape it like wildfire it burnt them all into ashes.

Modriel put down his arms in satisfaction after they had all been vanquished. Particles of smoke and ash rose in the air as he and Adina were the only ones left standing in the aftermath of the battle. He had given them a taste of the true power of light and for him, that was enough. The sword vanished too in quick succession and then he turned to Adina.

"I never needed your help in this battle." He pointed.

"You're welcome." Adina snickered. "I've been following you since you started your stroll; I just chose to keep my distance and watch, until I saw that you needed me that is."

Adina was a seraph, an angel below his ranks but still a great warrior that they could both be mistaken as equals on the battlefield. This fact was a heavy tear in Modriel's heart and she knew it and loved the fact that it bothered him.

Modriel grunted and turned to walk away.

"Why are you here, Modriel?" She echoed.

"You very well know why I'm here Adina." He retorted.

"But this is not father's will, we don't have a say in Lucifer's actions except he calls us to act."

Adina fell silent for her words to sink deep into Modriel's thoughts as she studied his expression for a response.

"Well I'm tired of waiting," Modriel muttered soon enough. "And I don't need your help or anyone's, neither am I going to ask for it."

"Very well then," Adina surrendered. "It seems your mind is pretty made up about this. I just hope you know what you're doing."

Modriel took his eyes away from her and stared down at the empty road. He heard the wind whoosh up as her wings emerged.

"Goodbye, Modriel."

By the time Modriel looked back, she was gone.

"Goodbye, Adina."