What could possibly go wrong?

With news of the company's imminent downfall hovering above the clouds of the Omega labs headquarter, the company's cafeteria seemed more like a troubled muster, queuing up to grab their lunch as the taste of anxiety stood an inch off their lips and the breath of uncertainty seated not too far away. One couldn't miss the mouthing chatters that left everyone walking on eggshells in fear of being the first to get laid off. Tony's jittery on the other hand was of a different cause.

Most people thought his brisk stride across the cue was an awful attempt to cut the line at first as he kept apologizing each time he felt a wary eye on him but soon looked away when he stopped in front of a young lady.

"Hey, have you seen Hannah today? He asked her. She was probably around the same age as Hannah but seemed nerdier.

"Nope, I haven't... I guess she didn't show up today," She added, breaking the baffled expression Tony wore on his face as he considered how odd her first reply was since they were both interning under the same department.

"Okay, thanks- oh, shi--"

Tony almost jumped immediately when he realized whose frame he bumped into. Lucifer's.

"Hello, Ash."

"G-Good afternoon, Dr. Bates," Tony stuttered as he tried to keep his composure. "What are you doing here among us common folk?" he wondered in his mind with a nervous smirk.

"Why have you been avoiding me, Ash?" Lucifer questioned with an impatient frown.

"Me? Avoiding you? Of course not--"

The entire room gaped in awe as Lucifer practically grabbed Tony by his shirt out of the cafeteria.

** ** **

Lucifer didn't let go of Tony's collar until they reached the parking lot. Except for the rows of parked cars and the high-pitched tone of Juan's whistle, it was empty. Juan was sitting right on the bonnet of Lucifer's car but jumped down immediately he sighted the duo approaching him.

"Enough! Enough! "Tony yelled, pushing Lucifer's hand away and straightening his shirt.

Juan couldn't help but chuckle at how Lucifer handled Tony like a child.

"What's up, man?"

Tony's reply was barely a nod and Juan decided to leave it at that.

"Alright Ash, get in the car," Lucifer ordered.

"No, I'm not going with you."


"I said I'm not going!" Tony repeated. "You see these bags under my eyes, they're the result of my sleepless night filled with research about the Russian mob. Wanna know what I found out? They are a very ruthless and organized gang that is into things far worse than drugs and human trafficking. These guys aren't people we should be messing with."

Lucifer scoffed.

"Oh, now I see why you've been avoiding me," He sneered, "I told you there's no way you're getting hurt on my watch, remember?"

"But there was no way you could have guaranteed that in Don Pedro's warehouse," Tony retorted.

"Come on Ash--"

"That's the thing, you don't listen. You keep prancing around, putting other people's lives in danger. Not everyone has an extra life. We were extremely lucky to make it out alive last time and now you want to us set us on another dangerous meeting all for the thrill of it."

Tony didn't realize how hard his heart was pounding until he finished speaking but somehow, it felt right letting all his fears and anger out. It felt right finally standing up to Lucifer.

His eyes were burning with so much emotion, he could have broken down in tears if not for the blank expression written on Juan and Lucifer's faces.

"First of all, who needs luck and when you have me?" Lucifer sneered. "Second, all your fears are for not. It's just a simple meet and package exchange."

"Yeah, with about sixty percent of these simple meetings ending in a shootout between the two parties... And sometimes, the cops. Last time I checked, you're the only one who's bulletproof and neither of us know how to use a gun," Tony argued.

"Ah, you've thought about everything already, haven't you?" Lucifer laughed. "But that is exactly why we have Juan here. He's going to help even out the numbers with... was it fifteen or twenty men?" he inquired from Juan.

"Uhm, more like five," Juan winced a bit as he spoke. "Most of them pulled out last minute."

"Ugh, cowards," Lucifer grimaced.

"See? I told you this was doomed from the beginning," Tony gestured with his arms wide.

"No less, this is something we have to do to secure our deal with Don Pedro. There's no point in backing down now, the doctor already agreed too so it's final, not that his opinion mattered anyway.

"Wait, what?" Tony sputtered in disbelief.

"Yeah, I too was bewildered," Lucifer admitted.

"Just do what you have to do before I change my mind, and make sure no harm comes to my body," Henry warned.

"Sure thing doc," Lucifer's lips parted in a grin. Convincing Henry was more like a walk in a park, playing on the doctor's pride and fears of losing the company he'd dedicated his life to.


"No buts," Lucifer shunned before Tony could sprout another argument. "We're doing this and you're still going to be there with me when we deliver the package to Don Pedro because you're not going to die. Not tonight, not as long as you're my assistant."

Tony tried to raise another argument but somehow all he could do was yield at the assurance of Lucifer's words.

"See, it's then--"

"The kid's right, Henry. It's a terrible idea."

The trio immediately turned to the direction the voice came from. For Lucifer and Tony, there was mistaken who's utterance it was.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Tony mouthed as his gaze caught Cortez's. It was the first time he was seeing him in casual attire, dressed in denim jeans on a blue top and a black leather jacket vexed on highlighting muscular features he never knew the doctor had. The grin on Cortez's face seemed so wrong. It made Tony anxious but not the slightest Lucifer, it only fueled a lingering rage, nursed rather menacingly.

"Why, you don't look happy seeing me," Cortez jested before fixing his eyes to a clueless Juan. "Who's the new guy?"

What flashed before Juan and Tony's eyes was the image of Lucifer ramming Cortez's back to the side of an SUV, an impact that sent a couple of alarms blaring throughout the parking lot.

"I see you've got a death wish," Lucifer pulled a face, tightening his grip on Cortez's neck.

It didn't produce the effect Lucifer hoped it would as a burst of maniacal laughter escaped from Cortez's throat as he puffed.

"Last I checked, I still work here."

"What the fuck is going on here?" Juan inquired.

Lucifer ignored the question as he studied Cortez's hysterical expression. He thought about choking the doctor some more but his hands retracted and so did his frame.

"I could end you right here, right now if the thought of cleaning up the mess didnt bore me," He dipping the fingers in his pocket as he spoke.

Cortez's face lit up with a grin. Modriel's gift worked. No part of his body was hurting even after Lucifer's blow, just as how his knife-edge could not spill a drop of him the night before.

Murdered in the parking lot by your very own colleague and business partner- uhmm, he licked his tongue, well thats one horrible way to go, he smirked but got no response as he fixed his rumpled tie.

" I heard you lot arguing about a big meeting."

"Cut the crap and tell us why you're here, Cortez." Tony spat in anger.

"Relax, Tony the cat. I just came to check if my lab was still in order, " Cortez lied. "And I should have been on my way home five minutes ago. But I guess it's the boss who ultimately decides when we all leave, right? And hey, I could join your little party if you want me to. I mean, to help with your number issue." He rounded off his remark with another laughter.

"Not a chance," Lucifer grimaced as he stepped. "Get out. Now!"

Cortez made a clicking sound with his tongue once again.

"Sure thing, boss," he shrugged before he walked away.

** ** **

Out of everyone in the precinct, Detective Pamela was the most surprised by the sight of Donnie skimming through piles of files on his desk.

"So you finally showed up, huh?" Pamela huffed.

"I didn't miss anything, did I?"

"No, but I was getting sick of covering for your ass," Pamela sniggered but became serious almost immediately. "What's going on, Donnie?"

"Routine filings, don't worry about it," Donnie replied as he flipped through the paperwork on his desk.

"Bullshit!" Pamela returned sharply. "I came by your house and you weren't home. Plus your breath reeks of alcohol so don't bother lying to me. What's going on?"

Donnie's eyes narrowed to his captain's office where a serious conversation seemed to be going on between Jacques and the DA. He heaved a long sigh before he spoke.

"It's just... I can't sit around and watch him do my job. It makes me feel--" he paused.

"So why are you back then?"

Donnie was also clueless about what he was doing in the precinct but he didn't want to appear weak to Pamela. "I guess I got over it."

Pamela studied him for a while before she spoke.

"It seems you arrived just in time, man."

"We've got a new case?"

"Erm, no."

"Then what is it?"

"We got a tip that something huge is going down at the docks this afternoon and the Captain has ordered us to go check it out."

"Oh," Donnie mouthed in disappointment.

"Come on, D. We've got to get ready."