Matchmaking Devil

The lab was quiet after a recently conducted experiment- an experiment that Lucifer was supposed to be present for but to no one's surprise, nowhere to be found. This left Tony with two choices: spend the entire day looking for his boss or put more work into his research paper.

He chose the first at the beginning but soon realized he was heading nowhere. Lucifer was probably out doing something sinister, he thought. Therefore, he remained in the lab, waiting for Lucifer to come to find him. He always seemed to do when he needed him.

An hour later, Lucifer did just as he had predicted. Lucifer announced his presence humming a note from a song he heard on the radio. On hearing him, Tony turned sharply to face him.

"Jesus! Lucifer, where have you been?" Tony's eyes went wide, seeing the loose tie and the unbuttoned top.

"Those two words don't go well together, you know," Lucifer sneered. "Well, if you must know, Juan and I met up for some cocktail Tuesday. Let's just say things got a little turned up with the exotic dancers," he winked.

"You mean strippers?"

"Same difference," Lucifer argued.

"Juan took you to the strip club," Tony mouthed, almost disappointed that he wasn't with Lucifer and had missed the opportunity to experience one for himself. Lucifer chuckled like he knew what was going on in his head. He looked away, embarrassed only to find the Band-Aid on Lucifer's left hand.

"What happened?" He balanced his glasses with a finger push as his brows arched in concern.

"Oh, this?" Lucifer lifted the hand. "Lila cut me with a kitchen knife yesterday."

"Huh?" Tony gaped.

"Believe me, I had a similar expression on my face when she did. And I think almost bleed out a pint. The pain was sharp and throbbing. Excruciating."

Tony's eyes bulged in shock.

"Did I miss the part where you stopped being indestructible and supernatural too? Cause I seem to be missing a lot lately."

Lucifer smirked. "It healed seconds after she wrapped it up. I'm just leaving it on so she would think the wound is still there." He took the band-aid off, showing the healed hand to Tony as proof.

"Wow, you were hurt," Tony stuttered. "Aren't you even a bit worried?"

"Why should I be? It's just a one-time thing." Lucifer countered. "Perhaps it was because I let my guard down around her. There won't be a next time. Besides, I would have gotten to the root of the issue by now but someone is still refusing to speak to me," he directed to Henry.

There was no reply.

"Still, we can't be sure it's just a one-time thing," said Tony.

"Well, it's not like you can run any experiment on me to make sure."

Lucifer had hoped Tony would give up and quit his complaining. He wasn't expecting a wide smile.

"What are you thinking?"

"I've got an idea," Tony answered. "Come with me, sir."

He led Lucifer to where a titration experiment was recently carried out and set aside the bunsen burner.

"What are you doing, Ash?"

"We're going to test your indestructibility, see how much intensity it takes to break you and how long it takes for you to recover," Tony's eyes scanned for the lighter as he spoke. He grabbed the lighter on seeing it. "Are you up for it?"

Lucifer grinned.

"You know I love a challenge."

Tony smiled and nodded.

"Alright, roll up your sleeve," he said as he lit up the burner. "Put your palm at the top of the flame. I'll increase it as we continue."


Lucifer exhaled before putting his palm on the fire.

"What do you feel?"

"Nothing," Lucifer said blankly. "Oh, wait... No, it's just an itch."

Tony increased the fire.

"How about now?"

"Mhmm, now it's starting to feel like an annoying pinch."

Tony clicked his tongue.

"Very well then," he said before cranking the control all the way up.

"Oh, now that's the stuff," Lucifer grinned. It was only for an abrupt moment before the fire began to have its effect on him. The faint smell of his flesh burning underneath seemed to excite him. And then pain he had felt the day before came gnawing at him once again.

"It's started, Ash."

"Oh, wow. How does it feel?" Tony inquired.

"What is going on?"

Tony flinched in startlement at the sound of the voice. He turned to see Hannah standing by the entrance with a wary stare at the two of them. Lucifer simply withdrew his hand.

"Hannah, hey," Tony began nervously. "This is nothing, we were just... It was just some stupid challenge to see who'll last longer..." He stopped seeing as Lucifer couldn't control his laughter.

"Okay," Hannah stressed in a skeptical tone.

"W-What are you doing here?"

"Uh, I came to give you some egg rolls,"

Tony never realized she had a paper bag in her hand until she waved them in the air.

"My mum and I made them," she blushed.

Tony fell speechless as his gaze locked into hers. He wasn't only seeing the pretty behind those big round glasses. Her thoughtfulness and generosity made him fall harder for her.

"Oh, wow, thank you," he said finally, almost red in gratitude as he collected the bag from her.

"Mhmm, the aroma is nice, actually," Lucifer chimed.

"Would you like to have some? I've got an extra pack in my bag."

"No, it's okay. Dr. Bates and I can share this one--"

"Nonsense, we can never have too much," Lucifer brushed Tony off before he could finish speaking.

Hannah chuckled.

"Alright, I'll be right back."

They watched as she skipped to the door.

"She is delightful, doesn't she?" Lucifer said after she left. "I wonder why you haven't asked her out already."

"Uh, I don't know," Tony stammered.

"Ash, don't be like that."

"Be like how?"

"You know, timid, complicated, scared to take chances," Lucifer listed a few.

"It's easier said than done, Lucifer. I mean, what if she doesn't accept me?"

"You like her and she likes you too, I don't see what the problem is," Lucifer argued.

Tony sighed.

"Ah, what can you do without me?" Lucifer shook his head in amusement.

Hannah returned shortly after.

"Here it is," she said, handing the pack to Lucifer.

"Thank you, Hannah," Lucifer smiled.

"You're welcome, sir."

"By the way, have you got any plans for Friday evening?"

"Uhm, not really," Hannah answered in a confused tone.

"Dr. Bates--"

"Good, Tony's doesn't either," Lucifer exclaimed, cutting Tony off. "I got an invitation to a fancy restaurant around Houston but Lila does not feel like attending so I was wondering if you too would go in our place. Surely you wouldn't want such an invitation to go to waste, would you?"

Hannah understood where he was heading. Her gaze swayed to Tony, wondering if he was in on it as well but he seemed as surprised as her.

"I guess so," she answered awkwardly.

"Great, get ready for the night of your life because Ash here has something special for you. Don't you, Ash?" Lucifer slapped Tony's back so hard that he coughed.

"Yeah- yes," Tony answered with a sheepish grin.

Hannah tried to conceal her excitement with a smile.

"Okay," she nodded. "I'll be going now," she added then turned to leave.

"So it's a date, then?" Tony asked from afar.

She faced him with the cutest he had ever seen her smile.

"Yes, I'll be looking forward to it," she said finally then left.

Tony waited until her footsteps couldn't be heard down the hall before he exclaimed.

"Yes!" He jumped, celebrating as if he had just scored a touchdown, and then he did a moonwalk away from Lucifer and back.

Lucifer chuckled. "I'm glad to see you're happy but get a grip, it's just a date."

"Oh, thank you so much, Lucifer," Tony appreciated with sincerity in his voice.

"You're welcome," Lucifer responded. "Now all have to do is try not to ruin the date. And remember, you owe me one now."

"Owe you one? I owe you a lot!" Tony interjected. "You practically canceled your plans with Lila because of me."

"Well, that part was true actually. Lila turned down the invitation and I didn't want it to go to waste," Lucifer explained.

"Oh, that's odd," Tony stared at him blankly.

Lucifer forced a grin.

"Now, let's not begin to dissect my relationship. Worry about your date," he said. "Tell me, do you have a suit?"

"I've got tons," Tony answered.

Lucifer rolled his eyes.

"I mean a proper suit."

"What's wrong with the ones you see me wear?" Tony's coy expression turned sour.

"Oh dear, how do I put it subtly? Everything," Lucifer sneered at the end of the remark. "Come on, let's go get you the real thing. We'll talk about your hair later."

Tony frowned as they began to walk out of the lab. He touched his head, wondering what was wrong with his hairstyle.

"What's wrong with my hair?" He questioned.

"Oh, don't let me start with that just yet."