Chapter 26: I "Opened the Back Door" for My Husband

I pinched his hand and came up to his ear, "Elias, you're doing a great job of meddling in other people's business after a midnight battle with me last night."

He didn't show any displeasure even when I pinched him. He just said, "I'm just getting it over with."

I didn't know what Elias had done to get Ian and Nellie to share a room, but he had done it.

That solved my crisis once and for all.

Nellie couldn't even clear up her own messy situation and she had no time to think about my man anymore.

I gently squeezed Elias's hand, "You don't believe I can protect you?" He needed to do it himself?

"Yes." He actually nodded seriously.


I was mad, but then I was amused.

Elias was never one to be at the mercy of others and I should have known that from the first day I had met him.

The cruise was a thrilling one.

I reaped the benefits of working with Steven and having Elias under my wing.