Vol. III Chapter 69 “Besides, I’ve always wanted to be on the radio.”

Chapter 68 "Besides, I've always wanted to be on the radio."

Sara followed her father down the fast rope onto the top of the old world skyscraper. Her uncle had taught her the value in a big entrance. She climbed down the ladder, the howling wind replaced with music. Her eyes fell across the stacks of vinyl. She would have dove in with glee, but they were beyond that now.

"You're sure about this?" She hoped her father had changed his mind. She knew better.

"They have a right to know." He forced a smile. "Besides, I've always wanted to be on the radio."

Lady Luck appeared from the glass booth, far less calm than she sounded. "Ready?"

"I am." The elder followed her into the booth. Sara watched on, a knot in her stomach.

Lady Luck flipped switches, waiting for a thumbs up from someone. She moved the mic, sending out a teeth grinding screech of feedback.

"Listen up my children, and listen good. The fact you're hearing me over the loudspeakers means there's trouble. And my children, that trouble is coming our way. First things first, We're evacuating. We've drilled for this, your block captains and deputies are ready. Take only what you need. As to where we're going, well my children, we're going to a Vault."

Sara turned as John rushed in. "Here to tell us more, is one of Lady Luck's favourite people. John, welcome."

"...Hello." John looked scared stiff.

"Why don't you tell us about the Vault." Lady Luck coaxed more detail from him.

"Well, I grew up there. Along with thousands of others. I've spent more than a year helping people leave, helping them build their new lives. If there was any other option, I'd take it. There's not. The Vault is the last, best, and only chance I know to keep everyone safe. It's what it was built for."

"Thanks John." Lady Luck threw him a wink and pointed him out.

"I don't remember what I said." John said as soon as he got out of the booth.

"You did good." She told a half truth, her focus going back to her father.

"Also with me is Elder Clarke Maxwell of the Brotherhood of Steel." Lady luck pointed at the elder.

"Good morning." He answered, calmly.

"Elder Maxwell has brought his men to help defend the town. Perhaps you could tell us about the threat we face." Lady Luck sat back, the elder took a deep breath.

"As we speak, there is a force of super mutants numbering in the hundreds, if not more. I've seen half as many flatten towns twice as big. They are a brutal, barbaric foe. They have forgotten what it is to feel fear. The Brotherhood is here to remind them." Her father grinned, she could feel the cheer going up from the ground below.

"I know a lot of you have an idea about the Brotherhood and what we do. Here, now, we will do what the Brotherhood does best. Kill the monsters. Anyone who wishes to fight alongside us is welcome to do so. But there is something you deserve to know first."

Her father looked at her through the glass. Sara stayed strong, despite wanting to rip the wires from the wall to shut him up. "This is my fault." The elder unfolded a piece of paper, reading the words he'd spent all night writing.

"A number of years ago, I ordered that a handful of raiders be exposed to the virus that turns men into Abominations. I believed that with evidence of the mutants out here, my superiors would grant my requests to stay. I believed that I had taken every precaution, that what I was doing would serve the greater good. I believed I could steal fire from the gods and no one would be burned, like the very people that set the world ablaze a century ago. I was an arrogant, reckless fool."

The elder continued through the stunned silence. "When the change takes hold, the mind breaks. Turns them into dim, slow witted brutes. There are a handful of documented cases where the mind, the sense of self, survives the change. Leaving the mind of a man in the body of a mutant. A kind of living hell that no one deserves to experience. That is what happened here."

"Because of the order I gave, the only man I've ever loved died an agonising death. My daughter has lost a parent. I have failed my men, my oath as a knight. And worst of all, I have endangered those I dedicated my life to protecting. You, the innocent people of this world. I know an apology isn't worth much, but all the same, I am so terribly sorry." He looked her right in the eye, apologising to her most of all.

"What will your superiors do if they find out?" Lady Luck asked, concern in her voice.

"I sent a communique informing them of my crime. Along with a request for backup. Assuming I'm alive when they get here, I'll be put up against the wall and shot." Her father couldn't look at her now.

"For what it's worth, I hope it doesn't come to that." Lady Luck smiled and wiped away a tear. "Alright my children, you know what to do. Get to it." She took off her headphones and slumped in her chair.

Sara didn't know whether to hit or hug her father. "You know I never told command anything." She whispered.

"I know. I have to answer for what I did Sara. Let them blame land where it belongs." He looked at peace, and more like himself than she could remember.

"Well, that was quite a scoop." Lady Luck's upbeat manner didn't last. "The man you loved, may I know his name?"

"His name was Brandon." Her father pulled a folded photo from his pocket. Sara looked long enough to see it was the one from his desk.

"I met this man. Told me his name was Barry." Lady Luck strode across the room. "He stood right there, with Rosie. Told me…" She paced trying to remember. "Told me that I looked after the children my way, and he looked after them his way. And that together we'd all stay free."

"He liked that song." Sara managed a smile.

"We will play it." Lady Luck started to walk away.

"My Lady." The elder stopped her. "The first birds out are taking vital personnel, I'd like you to be on one."

"Oh, I'm not leaving. You'll need a spotter, someone to run comms." Her readiness caught them off guard. "Like I said, we drilled for this. Only the Brotherhood were on the outside." Lady Luck smiled and headed straight back into her booth. Ready to fight the best way she knew how.

Sara caught John staring at one of the Tower snipers. They made Recon look like enthusiastic amateurs by comparison. Sara had seen one of them in the meeting, something off about them she couldn't place. Besides the silence and alarming accuracy.

"Stop staring." She half teased.

"They're friends with Rosie." John seemed unnerved in a way that amused her.

"Yeah, that doesn't surprise me in the least." She stepped into the lift, holding the gate for her father.

No one said anything, till John broke the silence half way down. "Respectfully sir, someone tries to put a bullet in you, they're going to have to go through me first."

"You are a true knight, John Blake. Brave and loyal. I want you to know I sent a letter of recommendation to command. You want to serve, it'll buy you a fair shot." The elder stared straight ahead.

"What about…" John asked, tapping his arm.

"I told them the technology you possess is a powerful asset, yet entirely singular in its nature. And that it is secondary in value to the will and honour of the man that wears it."

"Thank you sir, but I'm leaving with Rosie." John answered, something in his voice that gave Sara pause.

"Then I thank you for your service and wish you good fortune." The elder turned, offering John his hand. John shook it proudly.

John took point as the lift opened, hand on his pistol. Sara did the same, staying close to her father. Suddenly someone lunged from the crowd. By the time she'd drawn and aimed, John had the man pinned, his own gun pressed to his head.

"Stand down!" Her father yelled, stopping the commotion before it took hold. "Knight Blake, stand down."

"Sir?" John didn't move.

"Let him up, that's an order." He stepped closer.

"You got him?" John asked.

"I got him." She kept her pistol aimed as John got him up and frisked him.

"He's clean." John kept the man's arms behind his back, the elder waved him off. As he walked round she saw John recognise him. "He's from the Vault."

"My family…they stayed, they wanted me to stay." The man broke, his anger overwhelmed by loss.

"I'm sorry." Her father apologised to the man.

"I'll take him to the Sheriff." John put his hand on the man's shoulder.

"Seemed to me the man fell while cleaning his sidearm and my people overreacted, wouldn't you agree?" The elder smiled. Sara wanted to scream at him.

"Yes sir, he fell." John holstered his pistol, glaring at the man.

 The elder walked on with his head held high. Not out of pride, but to show strength. To show an unflinching, fixed point. Around which, a victory could be built.

A few birds were already away. Most of the men still gathered at the north gate. Her father strode into the middle of them and up onto a truck bed.

"What you heard was the truth. Let any man here leave if he so wishes. An officer that cannot keep his oath has no right to hold others to theirs." No one moved. Not one inch. "You honour me. Now my Brothers, be what I know you to be. Be what you should be to these people. Be knights of the Brotherhood of Steel, and save them from the horrors."

"Ad victoriam!" Sara barked in her best Grimm impersonation.

"Ad victoriam!" Boomed the sworn knights in reply.