School Again ?

A new semester of school was about to starting, Luka and his cousins Alan and Zack were chilling in their common room , " School's starting again , huh ? " I said , " Yup , it is , and its gonna be the same thing as last year , " Alan said with lazy look on his face , " Hey ,at least we are in the same class , " Zack said with enthusiasm. " I think I'll pack he books then , since there's nothing to do , " I said , " hey well meet during recess, ok ! " Zack said , "No doubt about that , " I said with a grin .

While setting up my books , I found and old book looked like some old history book or something, when I opened it suddenly a flash of all my ancestors and their wars and secrets flashed throughout my head , it was so fast I couldn't quite understand anything . Then after some minutes it stopped , my head was ahceing and I felt like I could past out any minute , but luckily I got hold of myself and continued to pack my books , keeping the old book at a safe distance.

Strangely that evening my dad called me , I was very surprised and happy . He said the usual thing about how not to send money more than needed , to attend all my extra curriculum activities eg. karate , piano lessons , japanese classes all the ordinary stuff , even though I were to be bored of that , I just loved it , because its my dad were talking about an Asian strick order line Dad .

Strangely he asked about the book , I told him that it was in my trunk . Then he said faintly "looks like the time has come yet ..." and the other words faid away . I wonder what he meant by that .

An old family legend?