"Ok , all this sounds fictional , so science books won't work . . . . . . .ok , I'll check the fictional side . . . . . . . " i searched and Searched but I couldn't find any useful information.
I searched till the back of the shelf till I found a book with a similar cover as the odd looking book I had before , but it was blue , the book I was talking about before had a dusty brown cover . The blue book Said エレメントin bold letters on the top meaning ' elements ' and a sub topic 水の形 , meaning forms of water , it was written in Japanese , being Asian , and living in a foreign country and and still learning learning Japanese was wierd , but now I know why .
" wait a minute , am I not in the air fictional charactegory ? What's water doing here ?" despite of being unsure I fiip through the books . It had various techniques of martial arts combined with elemental power , and that's when I noticed , Air .
Before I could start reading , our recess was over and we had to head to class . I bought the booked thinking it would help me . After class was over , I rushed to the dorms and found Alan with a similar book but with a difference, is it usually ?
" hey Alan , that's. . . " " this is the legendary book of my element , I've been searching for this since yesterday , and behold I present to you The Dark secrets " he said as he lifted the book with a proud look . "Hey that's great look what I found , " I said as I showed my book , " is it ! !, what I think it is ?. . " I noded , " oh great , now we can really start digging into it " Alan said with excitement.
"Just a quick question Alan "
" Yeah ? "
" Does Zack have an element?"