Uncle Richard was my karate teacher.
" excuse me , sir "
" Yes , Luka? " " do mind if I can have an extra class ." I said.
he patted my shoulder and said " it's a long time since you said that "
Then he walked to wards the class , " ok class , well start withe warm up, we'll start with jumping jaxs and some push , cmon class, get started, "
After the warm up we practiced the basic Choku Zuki , Mae Geri and Mawashi Geri .After some hours , the class was over . " sir ? " , " yeah , come with me " .He took me to another room , it was smaller than the cmon training room ." this will be enough for us ." he said as he looked around. "" Sir wanted to learn a combination move . "
"Kakato Geri ? , something like that ? "
" No sir , an elemental combination move ."
There was a short silence " Are you sure you're ready for it ? " He said witha sharp look .I thought to myself " i haven't really discovered or learned anything about my element so , think I'll do so training on my own , then I'll come after sometime ."
" After much consideration, I think I need sometime, but i won't let you down master ." I said looking down .Then he looked at me and smiled " take all the time you need . ok then, class dismiss" . Thank you Sir "
Then i walked out of my class , even more determined to find out what my life was meant for .
I reached the dorm and . . . . .