You had This All Along ?

"Sooooooo, no telling? "

" not even by chance. " I said .

~~ring ring~~

" breaks overs , let's head to class ."


~~after class~~

We reached our dorm ." let's not do our today's class , for a change ? " Zack said .

" huh ? "

" umm, I wanted to practice this --flame--."

" oh, still on it ?"

"it's still worth the time . " I said.

Then Zack pulled red cover book . " I was searching for this , thats why I was late yesterday. "

" ohhhhhhhhhh ,nice "

I showed my book ." this is mine " " and this is mine" Alan .

" you had this all along !! " Zack exclaimed .

" yeah ," We said -Alan and I said- .~MC~ .

" what the . . " Zack said

" it's Mind Communication and . . . "

" Cooooool ," Zack said

" wanna know how it's done ." I said with a slanged smile ." oh yeah , "

--i explained--

" ok , we'll start off with meditation ."


"my legs are frozen " Zack said by MC .

" some time is left ." I said

-- some seconds later--

~~ Zach kinda collapsed ~~

"uuuhhhhg , I'm dead. " Zack said as he lied on the floor .

" you need a little more practice. But it's not bad . "I said " Alan how are you doing?"

" umm, I'm dead fine .. " ⊙•⊙ Alan said.

"ok , now stand up and let's do some jumping jax ! " I said enthusiastically.

" brooo, that's torture.." Zack said.

" you wanna master it or not . " Alan said with a sharp look .

" Hai , oni san , "

" then get started , bro "

~~after some amount of warm up / torture for Zack ~~

" ok! ,nicely done everyone. " I said .

Then those floating screen appeared on each of our books , Then suddenly merged into a larger screen .

" konichiwa, ~ the man in the vedio said ~I see you are training well . And you've discovered 3 of the books already! "

" how does he know that ? " I thought to myself .

" these books contain different levels and types of attacks with your combination element, pretty cool right ! Remember above all , don't tell anyone about this "

--he demonstrated a pretty cool 360° kick with an ability, it was very different from my sphere of knowledge but it was very strong . It made a huge hole on the ground--

" the consequence are a dead wish or . . .