Let Me Help You.

--beep beep--


" Ahhh , " I yawned. " ok , morning. " I said as I got up .

" Guess , I make the breakfast?"

-- I made the breakfast--

~~ eventually Alan and Zack woke up ~~

We had breakfast, and went to school .




" nothing out of the ordinary today ? right ?" I said as we were in the cab , on the way back home .

" yeah , but its gonna fire up soon ." Zack said.

" oh, yeah , about that . . . . . . So , I'm planning to make . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and end with that"

" sounds great "Alan said .


~~the cab stopped~~

" we have reached " the cab driver said ."right on time, thanks for the ride. " Alan said as we hoped off .

" Should we start? "

" let's do it "

" Alan and Zach , you guys can do the decor. " I said

" got it bro, " they said .

" I'll go to the market , and get some supplies. " " ok , we're ready " .

I went to the market , got some groceries , laundry detergent , some snacks and decorations, games , and some dog food . There was a pastery shop , " should I buy a cake ? . anyway , let's just put that too in the cart ."

I took all the stuff and went home .

I rang the dorm bell ,

-ding dong -

Alan came to open the door . " umm, Luka? . . ." he said as looked at the pile of things I had . " let me help you " " thanks , please keep the groceries on the kitchen table and feed Gorudo , --my dog--." okay , "

" woa , looks good , " I said as I looked all around, Zack was on a chair hanging some decorations. " thanks , I'm almost done . . . .and that's done . " Zack said .Then Alan shouted from the kitchen, " You bought a cake ! ," " yeah , for the party , man " " where's my vedio game !? " it's in the other bag , I think it's in the common room table ."

After some hours we were done .

There was a knock on the door .