" yeah coming to that , so now we'll start with the punches. Come to the ride pose .I'll demonstrate. "
he came to the ride pose and as soon as he moved his hand to punche . His hand got covered with earth and as he punched pieces or rocks came flying from noooowhere?
" Coooooooooooooooooolllll, we'll be able to do that ! " Zack exclaimed.
" Depends on your element and your concentration levels, but yeah that's the simplest. "
--after punching like for ever class was dismissed--
We met Aiko on the way out ,
" so , how was basics ? " Aiko asked .
" it was good " I said .
" we learnt the punches thingy , I don't know whats it called . " Zack said.
" I think sir has earth power , What do you think? " Alan said .
" yeah he's pretty tough, especially for an electric type like me." Aiko said
-- ring ring --
It was Alan phone , " oh let me get this , " he said to us .
" hello ,"
" Hello Alan this is Hyun ,the footballer match is gonna start . Where are you? "
" ohh yeah , I'll be there as soon as possible, Bye "
-- beep --
" Sorry guys whish to stay but my football match is starting and my team really needs me , so gotta go " Alan said in a hurry. " oh , I almost forgot " Zack said ." hurry or will late Zack " They ran away .
"so they're gone "Aiko said.
" wanna see the match ? " I asked
" thanks but I'm busy , but do tell me when I come again soon . " Aiko said .
" yeah sure I'll. . .. .