Rich Kid .

" hey wanna join for the next game? " Alan asked ." Depends, when's it ? " I asked ." next week Saturday. can make it? " Alan said . " I'll try to make it . " I replied. " great ! " Alan said .Hyun came by and said " hey guys , what's up ?" . " oh , we're just heading back , wanna join? " Zack said. " ok ! "

" So , what's your plan for the evening? " Hyun asked on the way .

" I have my tuition for math and chemistry, then my Japanese class and my karate class" Alan said

" I have my karate class then my swimming class and tuition. " I said

" I have swimming class then tuition and Japanese class " Zack said.

" you guys pretty packed up man ! " Hyun said .

" yeah , dad's orders. " I said .

"hey I'll say something? " Hyun said ,

" yeah ?"

"I thought rich kids were mean , bully and full proudness. They had Nothing to worry about , but until I met you guy , I found it's nothing like that ? I may not be rich , I wished to but be but after hearing about the sricktness, nah . I'm happy with what I have . " Hyun said.

" that's great, there shouldn't be any stereotypes on this , we can't change the past, jut live the present, " Alan said .

" things usually are easy for us , but the way people don't open up to us so call *rich* is sad . we may not be good at making friends, but they can atleast try , like you know. We're just people like all of us ?" Zack said .

" I'm sorry, whish the world had knew you the way I know you all , and had more people like you. " Hyun said .

" thanks , but let's not be too personal now ?! " I said .

" yeah " Alan said as he laughed.

we walked further towards the dorm .