Northwestern Pack .

" ok , no harm in trying " he thought. " activate "

● confirmation . . agreed ●

○--- activating werewolf tutorial ---○

-- transformation included --

" huh , ok ? "

-- the windows opened --

- wind blowing -

" huh , . . . " The moon shown brightly

- i couldn't move -

" ahhhh "

My head was aching i helped myself to the common room .

After some time , i felt better . But ...

" what happened to me . . . .IIii.. am a werewolf ???!! "

" Awesome !!! , opps i may wake them up . "

so went to the ground . i noticed that i could run much faster .

" cool " I said to myself.

i kept messing around with my ability . Then i scent a distinct smell .

-- unknown object has been detected --

-- analysing --

" what could it be , i better be alert " i said to myself. ".

Then i huge black shadow leaped at !e from my back . I jumped and doged the attack . But it wasn't an or any monster . It was a person in a mysteriously black hoodie .

" who are you ? " i said

" seems like your sense of memory is lacking " he said.

" arhh , what do you mean ? " i said

" did you forget your own pack ? "

" what .? "

" oh , so you' re a novice . I see "

" huh " i didn't get anything .

" Hello myself Edward , I'm the part of the north-West pack . In easier word I'm also a werewolf and I'm from the north west clan. " he said .

" I'm Alan and Yeah I'm a novice but what do mean by the clan ? Are there more werewolf here ? "

" No no , Today was my night duty . And since I had a sent of another werewolf so I can me to see .

" Brother Edward , can you teach me how to be a werewolf. "

" ahh , I don't think so today . I have to check the locality . I'll just be around "

" I'll follow you then . "

" OK ? "

we ran through the locality .

" what is this night duty all about .?? "

" Its to . . .