Revenge is a dish best served hot

Daniel's grandfather could, I help but say as he saw that confused look on Daniel's face. "Daniel I know that you have a lot of questions on your mind but know that I'm always looking for your best interest. You said it yourself that this place has become boring to you so how about coming with me," Daniel knew how much his grandfather carried about him, and if this business trip with his grandfather to Portugal. If it was that important, he wouldn't mind going with him.

"Okay grandfather you know I wouldn't say no to any of your requests," Daniel told his grandfather as he hugged him. At first, Daniel's grandfather was very much confused. He thought it would take much more than simply asking him to make him go along. "Well, that's fantastic!" The joy emanating from his voice.

Daniel and his grandfather's bond continued to grow as they walked around town. A Sinister plan that has been Brewing in the background finally stepped into action. Ever since the officer was disrespected, Revenge was the only thing on his mind. Knowing that something incredible was in store for tonight, the officer could help but smile. His Squad officer might have told him to get good with the locals; however, he couldn't care less about the odors; all he cared about was his own Pride.

The officer thought of himself on a higher pedestal than these simpletons. " Yeah, Like these barbarians deserve to be treated with respect," The orders they had given the squad were to use Force to gain the town. However, the squad leader was kind, so you had given him a pouch full of coins and told him to just bribe the chief of the town. The chief of The Town has rejected his offer and even had someone insulting him. Now he just had to wait two more days and his Squad would be here till forcefully took the town.

The gang leader had promised the officer that the Delavega family would not exist after tonight. It was around 8 in the evening, and the night was young the officer was about two blocks away from Daniel's home in a small shop waiting for something to happen. "It's around 8 and those bastards still haven't done what they said they were going to do, I should have never trusted those scumbags!" The officer continued to curse the gang in his heart, that's when he heard a bell ringing and someone screaming towards the shop fire.

Immediately the officer ran out of the shop. The shop owner yelled at him to pay his tab however the officer just continue to Ron not paying him any mind. The officer maniacally last in the middle is Jas people riding away from where the fire was coming from. The people that were running for their lives trying to get away from the fire were looking at him like had he lost his mind. After he had left his heart out the officer stated " one instant I cursed that stupid gang and the other I'm praising them for their work-life is quite funny,"

The officer might have been enjoying this scene of Despair and Chaos that was occurring around him. However, two hours from when the fire had started Daniel and his grandfather returned and saw the house had turned into ashes. Daniel and his grandfather cared little about the house that had burned down the thing that they worried much more about were whether if the others survived.

Many of the people who lived in the town surrounded the houses that had burned down and Daniel couldn't see his aunt and Diego are part of them. He looked around for several minutes before he's seeing someone he recognized it was Lucas. When Lucas made eye contact back to Daniel didn't hesitate and ran up to him. " Lucas! Lucas! Please tell me that Diego and his family made it out the house," Daniel pleaded to Lucas has he held both of his hands. However, Lucas didn't reply to him he just looked at him with eyes full of grief.

Lucas couldn't keep a straight face as he looked at Daniel and the tears he had been holding back on finally released. After witnessing Lucas's breakdown Daniel's legs give out any slump down on his knees. Tears flowed on his face like River and everybody in the town had no way to comfort him. He turned back around to look at his father who hadn't moved since they had arrived there. Daniel felt that his entire world was falling apart when a new opportunity has just appeared in front of them.

After crying for several minutes Daniel mustered his strength to go check after his grandfather. When he reached his grandfather, he saw tears were also flowing down his face and snot filled his grandfather's mouth. "Grandfather are you okay," Daniel murdered his grandfather in a weak voice as he shook them side-to-side. Feeling that somebody was shaking him his grandfather's legs gave out any lump down just Daniel. Seeing that his grandfather had fallen Daniel had hurriedly picked his grandfather up and put his grandfather's hand over his shoulder. The both of them stayed in that position for 2 hours staring at the old house with a mind full of questions and grief. Before Lucas and his wife drag them to their house to rest for the night.

Lucas and his wife hadn't slept most of the night due to them making sure that Daniel did nothing Stupid. However, to their Fortune Daniel did nothing he had just dared in the distance blankly most of the night. No one knew what was going on his mind he had just been quiet the entire time. Around, four in the morning Daniel's grandfather had told them he would take care of Daniel and that they should just go to sleep. At first Lucas was hesitant however after looking at the serious expression on Daniel's grandfather's face he gave up and go to sleep.

In the morning, when Lucas and his wife woke up to find that Daniel and his grandfather had disappeared. They checked everywhere the kitchen, the closet, the bathroom, and their yard they were nowhere in sight. After, the both of them made sure that they weren't in the house they checked around town and asked various people however no one had seen them.