An Almost Bad Idea

5:27 AM

Dokéshi scares himself from his deep slumber with such a vivid memory. He does not cry, instead he gets in the shower. He gets out of bed with such a depressed look on his face, "i wish that memory didnt run through my mind every other night. I wish it wasnt my fault," he says with such dissapointment and anger within his voice. He does not retaliate against the reflection facing him in the mirror, instead he turns on the water. As he waits for the water to heat up, he decides he should watch some TV. He flips through news channels until one catches his eye, "the police and detectives are doing their best to catch the culprit behind the 4 missing teenagers in this SunnySide Valley area." For the first time ine 24 years SunnySide Valley wasnt so sunny. Dokéshi sits up, disturbed from the words spoken by the news reporter on the TV, the words still echoing through his head. He gets up from his bed, and heads toward the shower. As he gets in he realizes it's boiling hot. "Ouch," he says with a lack of emotion behind his tongue. He thinks toward any possible reasoning the water could be so hot. After ruling out many conclusions he finally decides to forget it. He gets ready for school, his normal routine. Brush his teeth, change his boxers, put on his socks, pants, shoes then deodorant and shirt. All in that order of course. He walks out the door of his suburban home in the outskirts of his busy city. He gets in his perfect for a sunny day convertible and heads off to school. Once he arrives he quickly meets up with his friends before class. "I dont know man i think Light is way smarter than L..." says Dokéshi's friend DeeDee. DeeDee is a very smart freckle faced african american. She always talks about how she's not an african american because she wasn't born in Africa but nobody pays enough attention to the slurred sentences pushed out of her mouth. "Hey guys..." Dokéshi is hesitant to tell them what he's been going through, "I uhh, had a weird dream the other night." He tells his open eared friends what he had been experiencing and asked the like minded friend group what he should do in response. "I think you should go back to the abandoned zoo", says Diego. Diego was an outcast as a child. He liked the thought of torture more than playtime, and some of the things he says makes his friends wonder why they still hang out. Diego has dark green hair, and had very squinted eyes for a Venezuelan. "Im serious, maybe if you go back you can find the monster or demon and ask it what it wants." Dokéshi was strongly considering Diegos response, because it was not a genuinely bad answer. Dokéshi walked to class thinking to himself about when he could go back, that's when he realized he wasn't doing anything after school. During his fourth period history he asked Diego and DeeDee if they wanted to accompany him on his journey to the scariest place on Earth, at least in his mind. "Man thats sounds really scary Dokéshi, are you sure you want us coming and slowing you down?" DeeDee asks with intentions of getting out of his absurd question. "You wouldn't slow me down besides, i could really use the support." Dokéshi says ignoring her excuses. "Yeah man i would so be down to go," Diego says enthusiastically. "Great we can go today after school," Dokéshi replies in great excitement. After school the three pubescent teens fill the car with many emotions. Fear, Excitement, Nervousness. They drive the half hour way from the school to the abandoned zoo. They get out of the car and smell the cold and crisp air. They approach the same gate, and to Surprise them all, it was still opened. As if it never closed.