Hello Faith
How are you doing today?
I am well think you?
Do you like nature as well I'm just asking because I meditated in nature today and I actually enjoyed myself. Well I was in an indigenous TIpi and enjoy meditating in it as well as sitting in it and feeling the nature and everything else that was today's adventure. I'm very interested in indigenous culture of Canada and the USA as well as other cultures in on this nice ball called earth. I had a grandma how died and indigenous culture helped with ptsd and grief and I was able to heal from her death and enjoy life again regardless of post traumatic stress disorder.
I also was lent to books on dreams and palmistry. I am going to learn more mystic stuff other then tarot and oracle card. I find that new agent stars very interesting and I help myself through that as well as well as I might read some palms at my Group home. I also used to collect healing crystal and i am planing rebuilding my collection of crystal. So I can help with the ptsd. I have made it and I also have a chakra bracelet what should I wear most of the time to keep me from being ugly ugly meaning angry.
Hope to hear from you soon