Hello there
How are you doing I hope you're doing well and that this letter finds you well, i'm doing well thank you as far as the DNA is concerned you just go to Ancestry.com order the test and then when You get it you spit in a vile as much as possible and then shake it and then send it back and then you wait for your results and hopefully they'll come out interesting. I'm pretty sure if your Turkish is really very interesting results because I have some Percocet and caucus mountains and me. I mainly Chechen, Turkish, Balkan and Albanian as well India as in India. As far as the Chechen part is concerned I do not bite so don't worry. I have also Dagestan in me as well. But again I am peace loving. I like to go and break particular stereotypes to drive me nuts whether it be a be being Chechen or whatever and the tv can be a bad influence on people and fill their hearts with hate.
I like to do art and photography as well as poetry and writing I also do a lot of writing for my post traumatic stress disorder I like to do the writing because it helps me calm down my brain in the clutter my mind or the squirrel as I call it. I am very interested in writing and I have been riding for Amazon Kindle direct publishing almost going on the year in February I am under the name bruises and I have two epistolary novels series and one other coming up. When I'm doing an epic fantasy that I do wanna do that I based on magic the gathering cards that I randomly choose from my deck. This should be interesting is called zombie squirrels cousin has a squirrel colony in it and they look like zombies so that's why it's called zombie squirrels. So that would be very interesting read and actually the wind should be my first LITRPG ever. And it's going to be a trilogy. I will be ordering more cards from out of magic the gathering on Amazon for writing purposes as well as to say that I have valuable stuff. So that's very good.
I am learning different forms of donation other than taro and oracle cards I'm actually learning how to read palms and read dreams like Joseph and the rainbow coat reading dreams type thing that should be interesting. I have a flair for the day have a nation and the divine and spiritual stuff. Yesterday I was able to meditate in a indigenous tipi which was very interesting. I enjoyed that very much I was able to feel the energy of my own country Canada and the current energy of nature and peace. Other than that when I was meditating in the TV I did not feel very much except for peace nature and the authentic Canadian experience.
I liked it so much that I might get a tipi myself to take it inside and outside whenever I decide that I have a special moment and dressed yet with nature and reset my brain. I also have a flair for the shamanic belief system Since my grandmother passed away 10 years ago almost and I found Shamanism that help me calm down and heal from my grief and I was able to MoveOn and honour of my grandmother in a more healthy approach. So that's why I like indigenous culture very much so.
Well that's more about me and I'd like to know more about you actually as a friend. I am hoping to hear from you soon