I have the best sword in the world that can kill immortals and gods and save the common people.

Hearing Ye Daocang's words, the dark-night monarch among the four monarchs remained indifferent.

"Hmph, Ye Daocang, you are really adept at hiding, nurturing the hatred of your father's murder, and concealing your family's tragedy for 30 years. This temperament deserves my admiration!"

In the heart of the Nether Sect, Ye Daocang played his role, standing up just when everyone believed he had not acquired the Fire Cloud Sect's treasure and that there was no threat at all.

Ye Daocang's current success can be attributed to the Fire Cloud Sect, though they failed to realize that he gained access to the treasure trove that the Fire Cloud Sect had preserved from ancient times to the present.

In response to the other party's words, Ye Daocang couldn't be bothered to explain, content with his achievements.