The huge reward for completing the mission, Bi Fang’s mythical beast appears ​

Ye Wu's imposing manner is like a rainbow, and he is awe-inspiring to the common people, the terrifying breath resounding in the void, making heaven and earth tremble unceasingly.

Lin Changtian was shocked and angry. He did not expect that after depriving Ye Wu of his heavenly bones, the other party could still be so evil.

There must be other secrets about him!

This was Lin Changtian's thoughts at the moment, and for a moment, he couldn't help but regret that he had not been able to clear up all of the other parties.

At this moment, Ye Wu's punch was in the air, and he had to shoot, and his whole body burst out.

In his cold eyes, there is a monstrous killing intent: "Ye Wu, you think I'm afraid that you won't succeed? I was able to deprive you of your heavenly bones, and today I can kill you. Die!"

A blood-red long ruler appeared, and a terrifying storm of blood rushed toward the face.