Seeking peace? No, we are here to kill!

Time goes by, the years pass, and February slips away quietly.

The Ye family of Zhongtian, led by its owner, Ye Wen, scanned his surroundings coldly. Observing the remarkable rise in the overall strength of the Ye family, he swelled with pride, ascending to the zenith.

With abundant gifts bestowed by the higher realm, the Zhongtian Ye family's strength skyrocketed at an ascendant pace. Almost thirty Martial Sage powerhouses, three hundred gods, and hundreds of emperor powerhouses stood as formidable entities atop the expansive world.

Their superiority in strength and combat prowess dominated the heavens horizontally, and the family fortune of the Zhongtian Ye family soared.

If the top ten rankings were solely based on combat power and luck, the Zhongtian Ye family could secure a position among the top three at least.

Nevertheless, the top ten powers list also considered the presence of Tianjiao.