The person who ruined the plan is the best swordsman in ancient and modern times. What does it have to do with me, Ye Anlan?

When the Martial Sage saw Ye Yan, his expression was filled with horror and anger.

Just as he rushed back, he discovered that, during his absence, two thousand-year-old Magic Power experts had died at his hands in training.

Furthermore, the entire Netherworld sect was in disarray. If he hadn't returned in time, even the formation controlling the barrier between heaven and earth would have been halted.

He didn't utter a word and directly killed Ye Yan.

As for Gu Qingyao's attempts to stop him, he turned a deaf ear. The devil had already spoken; there was no need to pay attention to Gu Qingyao.

At this moment, his 30,000-year magic power, combined with the divine armor bestowed by the nine demons, directly suppressed Ye Yan on the spot.