Two million years of mana, traveling through the ancient starry sky

The Zhongtian Lin family, as the second force on the vast continent, naturally needs no elaboration on their strength.

It can be said that in Zhongtian, they are the giants, the arbiters of life and death.

But at this time, their high-level leaders gathered together, their expressions were a little dignified, and there was a light flowing in their eyes.

Today, Lin Feifan, who has already assumed the position of head of the Lin family, has been blessed with magical power for ten thousand years, and his strength is unprecedented and terrifying.

If it weren't for Ye Daocang and others, perhaps in a few years, his strength would be absolutely unmatched and unparalleled at the moment.

But at this time, although his Wannian magic power was astonishing, compared with the many geniuses of the Ye family, it was a little too ordinary.

At this moment, the expressions of many elders are also particularly solemn.