Filial piety leads to strength - Yi Da

Facing this strike, Ye Daocang's expression did not change at all.

The chaotic pupils flickered, and pieces of the sea of stars exploded under a single strike.

"Eternal catastrophe~!"

Ye Daocang's dull voice echoed through the ages; it took time, and above the brilliance of the sky, countless streamers rioted.

Pieces of giant swords of light, mixed with the sky, swirled and twitched slightly, annihilating pieces of the starry sky.

His imposing manner is like a rainbow, like a mighty prison, and his hands are pulled into the void!

What's up~!

If it takes time, the sky will be torn apart by it; the boundless void seems to be traversed by it, and countless air currents will hit the heartstrings of the common people!

The two sides are fighting again—the endless turmoil of the sky, the terrifying prestige of this strike, covering a galaxy, and drowning the world of Hengsha!