The end of the secret realm, a lot of feedback

Time passed quickly; Ye Daocang stood independently above the void, looking down at the many Ye family members below. His eyes of insight observed the four directions, calmly watching the group of people searching for treasures.

His expression was extraordinarily indifferent. In the past, he might have been excited or shaken by this, but now his heart has remained calm.

However, the figure of Houtu would unconsciously flash in his eyes, and Wang Shu's image gradually emerged in his thoughts.

For a while, he didn't know what to say.

Time continued to flow, searching for time, and ten years passed slowly.

After the upgrade, the system underwent ascension, both in terms of age and the number of people.

The original three hundred people had now increased to three thousand, and the original one month became the current ten years.

However, compared to the boundless and endless sea of blood, this time was still too short.