The surprising sky

For the past three years, Cangtian has been diligent in leading his clan to cultivate the five grains, increasing production, and raising piglets for castration, making them fat and delicious.

Today, the tribe, comprising more than 500 people, has over 40 or 50 children, and some of the remaining women are still pregnant.

Moreover, more and more areas have been opened up by the people. They have even absorbed a large number of homeless individuals or forcibly captured a few nearby tribes without patriarchs. As a result, the current personnel of the Great Wilderness Tribe have reached nearly 10,000 people.

The initial 500 people who followed Cangtian hold the highest status. They are mostly involved in management and serve as commanders.

Today, the Great Wilderness Tribe boasts tens of thousands of people, all proud to marry within the tribe!