Admit your mistake

Ye Daocang glanced at the words and found that the man was actually a junior of his Ye family. Ye Daocang remembered that his name was Ye Kuan.

Ye Kuan no longer had the calm and composed look before and hurriedly brought him to the square.

The Wang Family Patriarch, upon seeing the mysterious city lord arrive, suddenly felt confident and said, "City lord, it is this kid who dared to break into our teleportation formation and even shot and injured our Wang family members. You must call the shots for me!"

However, what he didn't expect was that the city lord didn't even look at him but walked directly to Ye Daocang's side.

"Ye family's Ye Kuan pays a visit to the master! How did you come to this place, master?"

Ye Daocang didn't answer directly but smiled and said, "Your strength has improved a lot, and this cultivation technique that allows you to shrink into an inch is not bad!"

Ye Kuan cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for your praise!"