
Just when Ye Daocang's attack had reached Luo Hu's back, it suddenly stopped, and Luo Hu had already used Gu Linger as a shield in front of him.

Ye Daocang directly used his sleeves to defuse his own offensive.

"Haha, I didn't expect the famous Rashomen's sect master to resort to such tactics!" Ye Daocang said it with a meaningful smile.

"No different from others; merely employing their methods against them. Isn't it more cunning than before?"

Ye Daocang took a slow breath and said, "I just heard that you got a map. Is it this one?"

After saying that, Ye Daocang retrieved the map made of special material from his possession, but the moment Luo Lian and Gu He saw it, they both wore expressions of surprise.

"Why do you have this map?"

The two spoke almost simultaneously.