Kung Fu

But the Demonic Beasts were vast and corpulent, resembling mountains of flesh, completely immobile, and only able to scream in vain.

"Hey, hey, hey, if you have any sense, just clear the way for me, uncle, or I'll use this Chifeng gun in my hand to carve a path through you!"

Ye Anlan laughed heartily, his spear resembling a dragon as it plunged into the massive demon beasts.

However, at that moment, the sneaky assailants who had been lurking earlier were spotted emerging behind Ye Anlan. Some boldly stepped forward, while others, more timid, only dared to peek from behind.

Ye Anlan turned around with a smile and remarked, "Scared? Quite right, Anlan here can reduce all this to dust with a mere snap of the fingers."

"I apologize. I apologize. We were merely jesting here; I never intended to provoke the mighty immortal. Please forgive us and spare us from the wrath of that colossal creature."