The competition begins

If someone happened to pass by at this time, they would find the heads of the major sects in this outer domain all squatting in the quiet alley with puzzled expressions on their faces.

And they couldn't figure out why the disciples in their sect would rather cut off their legs and dare not come to participate in this competition.

The Next Day

Ye Daocang and the others came to the center of the square early and saw several powerful men with long breaths sitting on the high platform in front of the square. At this time, the Blood Demon's door master stood up and said, "Thank you to fellow daoists and sects from the Outland for coming to participate in the Sect Competition in Outland. In previous years, it was held by my Blood Demon family sect, but this time, the Heavenly Soul Elder of the Demon Elder Council of our Yuanyu and the Wraith Elder will also witness the great competition of this Outland Sect!"