The terrifying disciples of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect!

While the above two high-profile individuals remained silent, my mind was already categorizing them as disciples of the demons, silently adding them to my list of disciples.

Originally, they believed that demons, as disciples capable of emerging two days prior, were already exceptionally heaven-defying beings. However, they did not anticipate that the subsequent arrival of Leaf Allure Hao and his two companions would completely challenge their perceptions. Neither Ye Daocang nor Yean Lan could maintain a good temper, with Ye Daocang even bluntly stating, "This ends now!"

The two men swiftly dispatched the two disciples, leaving no trace of hesitation.

As the realization sank in, their pride almost felt as if it had been crushed. After a prolonged silence, one of them finally spoke: "Brothers, what have we done to deserve this?"

The other hesitated before replying, "Let me tell you, old friend, you will never get away with this!"