Sky Demon Tower

Seeing Ye Daocang approaching, everyone in the Great Hall displayed different expressions on their faces; some were happy, while others appeared helpless.

At that moment, Xuandong rose from his seat and spoke slowly: "Qinglan, I have come here today specifically to extend an invitation for you to attend the Alchemist Conference at our Heavenly Demon Pagoda. I wonder if you would be interested."

Ye Daocang cleared his throat and replied, "Since it is the Holy Son extending the invitation, it would be ignorant of me to decline."

Observing the Holy Maiden's agreement, some members of the demon clan showed joy, while those in the demon clan council couldn't help but wonder. Under normal circumstances, the Holy Maiden would have disregarded Xuandong's words, yet today she willingly agreed to return to the Heavenly Demon Pagoda with him.