Trained, glub~

(POV 3rd person

*Bang, but underwater*

In the depths of a certain ocean, a battle is going on, this battle is between two fish, one is a large fish with a strange antenna hanging from its head, whilst the other is a small fish, about half the size of a plastic water bottle, with x's for eyes, half pink half blue.

The big fish is yellow with green eyes and a black underbelly, an antenna extends from his head splitting into two first like appendages. The big fish, despite being a fish, shows a great amount of intelligence.

As the big fish fires off a fast barrage at the smaller fish, hoping to pummel it, he can't help but be dismayed at the scene before him.

The small fish, half pink and half blue, each color is divided vertically between its eyes, which rather than eyes are simply x marks. It has particularly long and graceful-looking fins, their length being exaggerated by her small size.

The small fish weaves in between each lightning-fast hit, as if she were just taking a swim, leaving a pink and blue trail behind her.

As the big fish continues to punch rapidly, he seems to get slower, which the small fish immediately taking advantage of, not noticing the glint in his eyes.

On a particularly slow punch, she dodges to the left, curling her slim body around his antenna, as a pink glow comes from her mouth before two knife-like protrusions come out from the side of her mouth.

She aims for his eyes, attempting to disable him but...

*chink, BANG*

Her blade bounces off of a gold and green translucent barrier, and then, before she can react, one of his fist like antenna smashes down into her body, forcing out a club before sending her flying into the nearby seafloor.

Without giving her a single change the big fish jets out at an abnormally fast speed, leaving a trail of gold behind him, indicating the use of energy.

Getting to the still expanding, yet small cloud of dust, he slows down, letting out labored glubs, before he sends out a fist, striking at where his opponent should be.


And then, he slowly ramps up his speed, each punch accompanied by a mocking glub, completely filled with rage.


After a while of a barrage of fists, the fish stops, letting out a deep club, one filled with relief and pride. He tries to swim away, only to find himself too exhausted to love, so he stands still.

Yet, before he can even regain any energy, his eyes ridden in shock and fear, as the dust had been cleared, revealing that not even a trace of his opponent was there! Which means...


A melodious club rings out from behind him, and although he cannot turn to see who it is, he has no need.

Without any further dramatics, the pink and blue fish forms her knife again, this time longer but only on one side of her mouth, and then, she darts forward, twirling underneath the larger fish, leaving a deep wound in its underbelly, before doing a series of maneuvered that end with the big fish being decapitated.

The pink fish let's out a tired glub, before swimming towards the bigger fish and starts to eat it.

'Hah~ Good thing I made a teleportation technique with my hyper energy... This could've been a big lose for me...'

Thought the pink and blue fish, Lily was her name, a completely normal fish.

'Alright big man, show me my status now~!'

(POV Lily (MC) 1st person)



Level 7/10

Species SMALL hyperfish]

'Hm, so that's two levels since my evolution? Nice~'

Currently, I'm level seven, and it's been about two weeks since I evolved. Although I could've tried to rush myself after my first evolution, I decided to do something else. TRAINING!-

Erm, anyway, I practiced with my hyper energy a bunch for the past two weeks, only going out to get food, which is fish. During the past two weeks a leveled up once due to hunting for food, and once again today after killing a gigafish.

Anyways, training went well, I developed a teleportation technique, as well as a close combat technique I like to call hyper-knife. Other than those techniques I also increased my energy capacity and control, I also practiced my movements, reaction, and perception, they are my strong points after all.

Well anyways, 2 weeks later, and I'm ready to shit on some stupid fish frickers.

After finishing my meal, I start to swim out and explore, trying to find some fish to fuck up, Yet it seems all I can find are small fry, who don't give any exp or things at such a high level that I'd rather bite off my own tail fin than fight it. Fortunately for me though, they all seemed to be herbivores, or not hungry.

I keep drifting away from my evolution area, as I don't mind moving, during the last few weeks I noticed my lack of need for sleep, and the rock is a bit cramped anyways.

Just as I was losing hope, thinking of going another direction, something on the floor of the ocean catches my eye.

I swim down, inspecting the stone structure, which seems to be ruins of some kind. I swim around, not finding much must rubble and sand, slightly disappointed I start to swim away.

Yet before I can get too far I notice something, there's not just a single ruin!

A bit aways of the way a notice another one, and then further from that one is another! Slowly but surely the trail of small ruins leads up to a massive underwater pyramid with a mysterious atmosphere around it.

'Nai wa, is this a dungeon?'

--- --- ---

A/N: Heso, mein freundins! Ah, sorry for the short chap, I don't particularly like to write anything bellow 1.2k words, but this one is kinda nesicary for the chapter I REALLY want to write (dungeon arc coming soon :p). Also today I plan on double chap to compensate for the shorty, but it'll probably be late when I upload, (central timezone)


Alright alright, if you noticed, this is in the fanfic section, yet this isn't really a fanfic? Well I have plans for this actually, after mc gets her humanoid form, and maybe after a bit of getting stronger and what not, I plan on having her basically be... Kidnapped, to another world.

I think I basically want her to be taken to another world, 'problem children' style or maybe a classic hero summoning, as well as another person, maybe a certain pink-haired teleporter? Not certain yet but that's my choice at the moment. (Also, yes, the other person has to have pink hair, it's a requirement!)
