Teleporters Are Pink

POV Shirai Kuroko

As I renter the third dimension, feeling the familiar rush of wind on my face, I hit the ground, immediately collapsing to my knees as I start to push out rapid breaths. After a few moments I shakily get up onto my feet, my hands planted on my knees for support as I continue my heavy breathing.

'Damnit... How can she be so fast?'

Finally regaining my breath, I remove my hands from my knees, slowly coming to my full height as I wipe my slightly sweaty hair to the side, scanning my immediate area.

'She should be somewhere around here...'

Glancing around the dormitory rooftop, which belongs to some school in the 7th district, I could only sigh at the apparent loss of my target. Leaning back, I slide down the wall of the roof's bulkhead, tilting my head up slightly as my hair covers my eyes.

(a/n: Bulkhead: a boxlike structure, as on a roof, covering a stairwell or other opening.)

"Hey... what's the matter...?"

Hearing the discernably soft, yet blank voice of my target, I look on as my hair inexplicably falls from my eyes, revealing quite the sight. Standing perpendicular to the wall above me, as if it were completely normal, is my target, simply defying gravity...

"What... Just what are you doing up there?"

Glaring at the girl, but a few inches shorter than me, my glare starts to slowly turn to confusion as I continue to look at the current spectacle. Eventually, my curiosity surpasses my anger as a small frown spreads on my face, my eyes eld on her with great intensity.

"How are you standing like that?"

With a momentary pause, she tilts her head slightly, a sign of confusion, before she suddenly livens up, seeming to have finished interrupting my words.


Starting off her sentence, she jumps into the air, curling into a ball and spinning slowly in the air as she travels in an arc before she unfurls herself, landing on the ground in front of me, giving a slight bow as she sticks the landing.

"... It's pretty simple really... all I'm doing is constantly transporting the gravitational force affecting me... and then changing the direction in which it acts..."

Listening to her talk in her usual slow way, which seems to be something akin to a verbal tic, I sigh at her rationale, wondering just how simple everything is to this girl.

Rather, even now I'm quite astonished by her strangeness. When I first was told I would have to follow some seemingly brand new level 5 esper, one which hadn't existed a few days before, I wasn't quite bothered with it, I have years of experience after all.

After meeting her the first day, and seeing her use her abilities I started to gain more confidence in myself. All though she had dead-on precision and an unbelievable speed, along with near untraceability, she was still... sloppy, almost mechanical in a way, predictable even more so...

Yet after the second day, a day in which we had covered some dimensional and spacial theory in classes, I realized just how terrifying she was...

All the theories were perfectly integrated into her equations, easily increasing her efficiency by 5 fold. Her previous inexperience had been washed away and she was simply... running circles around me.

On the fourth day, her progress suddenly halted... but the change had already been completed. If on the first day, she could be considered a normal person somehow given the ability to teleport... then on the fourth day she could be considered a fully-fledged level 5 esper, just as powerful and ruthless as the rest...

"Hey... hey... I'm trying to talk to you..."

Hearing her calls, I glance up at the pink-haired girl, staring her dead in the eyes, prompting her to speak her mind.


Suddenly though, the cold girl from before, the one who had played with me with the ruthlessness of a wild animal, suddenly disappeared, her face sporting a rare blush as she pushes her fingers together, looking down at her feet.

"Well... at the end of the month... summer break starts and... my sister and I are going out for a vacation... she said I could invite a friend along so um... would you come with us...?"

Pausing for a moment, I deadpan at the girl, a severely serious look on my face.

"You think we're friends?"


With an all to enthusiastic nod, she affirms her thoughts, a slight smile on her face.

'Heh... She's kinda cute... like a little sister...'



Standing up suddenly, Lily backs up a little at my sudden movements. without a word, I turn to the wall behind me placing my hands on its surface, steadying myself-


Turning back to Lily, I wipe the blood from my forehead with the back of my hand. Having gotten rid of the infidelic thoughts in my head, I continue on with my conversation with Lily.

(A/N: Kuroko is obsessed with Misaka to a rather inhabilitating degree, thinking another girl is cute is simply against her moral code, if you were confused about why she would do such a thing.)

As my eyes land on Lily again, I see that shes still encapsulated with her shoes, having completely missed the previous incident.

Thinking for a moment, i eventually give in.

'Its not like I'm promising anything...'

"Maybe, if I'm not busy with anything..."

'...but I doubt they'll let me out of watching you before that...'

As my words reach her ears, she seems to go rigid for a moment, before her body seemingly relaxes. Looking up at me, I again spot her small, almost unnoticeable smile, that rarely shows its head.

"Uh, thanks... Kuroko... see you later..."

Giving me a wave, I suddenly jolt slightly as my surroundings seemingly move at a rapid pace, before finding myself back in my dorm room.

'She teleported me back... she's quite... something...'

Shaking my head at the infidelic thoughts trying to break through my mind, I turn my head to the bed across from me as a lewd smile sneaks its way on my face, spotting my beloved, sound asleep.

"Big sis!~"

--- --- ---

Hello hello.

Huh... Miss goddess is taking MC on a vacation, I wonder where...?

Also, the reason she is blushing and shy is that she doesn't have any friends. NO YURI HERE... probably...

Oh yeah... I meant to ask this last time but I forgot... Does anybody remember what I said her height and apparent age are... I can't quite remember and I don't really want to go back and look...

Anyway, sorry for the... early, chapter. Currently on vacation and I'm not sure if I'll have time to write this tomorrow.

Anyway (ll), feed me more power stones and comments!

Fucking ~

Love ~

Pink ~