

The tournament announcer looks around. "Are you…DENOTS?" You nod. He tells you to gather your group into the arena.

You remind Varys and the others to maintain a tight formation and to stick together.

A young man walks in and begins checking your gear. "Everything looks to be in order here. Did someone already go over the rules with you?"

You hear the announcer's voice. "First up is…DENOTS." The arena gates open, and you walk through. You see a few hundred people watching, and some are even cheering. You walk over to the right side of the arena.

The announcer speaks again. "Next up is the Rhino Horns!" Another team enters the arena and lines up on the opposite side. The team consists of several boys, all of whom seem much older than you. Most of them are carrying spears or two-handed swords. Varys whispers to you that he thinks some of those guys must have lied about their age. He points at the enemy team's leader, who stands nearly six feet tall.

You take a few moments to concentrate on the battle to come. The crowd quiets…and then suddenly, the horn sounds!

What do you do?