Chapter 05.5

Yuki's POV

I look at the mirror and I notice that my expression on my face is unusual.It's like I'm irritated with a cold expression.I feel irritated when I saw Haru with someone...a boy that has a white curly hair and green eyes.

I feel that Haru is like a puzzle but...a hard puzzle.If you will never know about his point of will never understand him.

What is the connection of that white curly hair boy to Haru?Does he know about Haru's past?I notice the way he look at Haru is saying something on me but...I can't fully understand it.

Aishh...because of this stupid curiousity of mine,my mind will explode without knowing it.Guessing about Haru's past is hard than I thought.I cannot even calm while thinking because I can feel that one person come will have a connection to Haru.

"HEY!STOP DAYDREAMING."Oneechan said and she hit my head using fist.

"Stop interrupting me."I complain to her and my tone was raise a little.

"WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING ME?"she ask and she grabbed the collar of my shirt.

"I'M NOT SHOUTING."I replied back but she shake my body while her hands are still on the collar of my shirt.

If that boy is one of the person that connected to Haru's past...what is his position on Haru's past life?Does he like or love Haru?Then...the worse situation came so...he leave Haru alone because he don't want Haru to get hurt...?

I can feel that someone slap my face and it make me back to the reality.I look at Oneechan who's looking like I'm her prey and she's a tiger.

"Oneechan,I don't want to hear you saying nonsense things.My mind is tired."I pleaded to her so that she will leave my room.

"Tsk...since you plead to me then,I will leave but...let me remind you,Yuki.Your curiousity will kill you."she said before leaving my room.

I found my self staring at the door.It's like Oneechan sense something on me.Oneechan know how to guess what's happening to me by my actions and reaction.

Haru is introvert but...some of my classmates trying to have a communication to him.In the end,he didn't care about what our classmates says to him.I bet he wants a peaceful life.

"Is Haru is so beautiful in your eyes that's why you're staring him?"


I jump out of realization when I answer that damn question.Asumi is smirking while looking at me.

"W-what?"I nervously ask to him.

"Do you like Haru,Yuki?"he ask me still smirking.

"A-are you insane?How would I like him if I have a girlfriend?Beside,I'm straight,Asami.Straight as a ruler."I defend myself from his f*cking thoughts.

"Why so sound defensive?I'm just asking,Yuki.It's nothing wrong with loving a person that has a same gender with you.It's still called 'love'."he said while shooking his head while clicking his tounge.

"Are you gay?"I ask him and then he hit me.

"I have a girlfriend,dude."his answer and go back to his seat because our teacher was already here.

"Good morning,class.We have new classmate from Inashiro School."our teacher announce and the murmuring of my classmates is starting.

A white hair curly guy with a green eyes came inside of the classroom.I was so shocked because it's a same guy...that we saw with Haru.

"Good morning.I'm Fujita Eijun...just call me Eijun.It's nice meeting you."he introduced himself while smiling geniunely.

He walk towards to the vacant seat but he stop on Haru's seat.He tapped Haru's head then he mess up Haru's hair...making him to pout while glaring Eijun who's chuckling before taking a seat.He winked at Haru and Haru just shook his head.

What happen to our classroom is a hot topic in our school.The gossip has wings and the whole school know already even it's only happen a hour ago.

"Aww...Haru is so lucky to have a boyfriend like Eijun.Handsome,respectful and sweet towards Haru."

"Yeah...I wished I'm Haru right now..."

"I want a boyfriend like him..."

I can feel that my ear is itching right now because the only I can hear is the name of our new classmate.I want a peaceful moment but because of gossip...I have no peaceful with my friends and my girlfriend.

"Haru-chan,he is your boyfriend?"Yuzuru confront Haru who's eating right now.

Haru didn't answer but...Eijun start to laugh so loud.He's like a crazy person right now because he's laughing like a idiot.

"Me?Haru's boyfriend?"he ask Yuzu and she just nodded.

"Eijun is just my childhood friend,Yuzuru.It's may look like he's my boyfriend because of his sweetness but he's not my boyfriend.He's not my type."

Everybody including me...we jaw-dropped because of what Haru said to us.Eijun is not his boyfriend...he's just a childhood friend.

"I treat Haru just a brother that so worried about him.It's been a long time since we meet again so that's why I'm acting like a boyfriend to him then you think that I'm his boyfriend."

"Do you have a girlfriend or either a boyfriend?"someone girl ask Eijun.

"I don't have boyfriend either girlfriend.But...I fall in love with a girl that doesn't know about my feelings."he answer before drinking water.

"Who's the lucky girl,Eijun-kun?"

"Not gonna tell."he smirk while answer.

"Aww...he look so hot when he smirk."

"I wish I was the lucky girl."

"I want a boy best friend like him."

"Oh...Miss Aiza Yuzuru,do you have any question?Spill it now,it's look like you're interested with me."

I look at Haru who's looking at me...his blue eyes.