Chapter 08

Haru's POV

"What happen to you?"Yuzuru ask worriedly when she saw me like a zombie.

I came home but I didn't get a good sleep.It's like what happen to me and Yuki is still here in my mind even I really want to forget it.

"I didn't sleep well..."I answer like a sloth.

I really have no energy this morning.I'm really like a sloth right now.I really want to go home and just sleep to forget what happen between me and Yuki.

"You didn't sleep well.Then,what is the reason why you didn't get a good sleep?"she ask me making me flinch to the reality that she's asking to the reason.

"Nothing..."I lied.

I yawn and I look at my classmates boredly.I'm really bored when I'm seeing some things that make me sleep.

"Good morning,Haru!"Eijun greet me making me glare at him.

"What?"he ask innocently.

Yuzuru hit his arm making him wince in pain.It's look it's painful to get a hit from Yuzuru who is really tsundere.

"Haru-chan,didn't get a good sleep...then you greet him in a loud voice like a idiot.Do you think it's funny?"Yuzuru stated while glaring Eijun who's cutely smiling at her.

I shocked when Yuki with his friends and his girlfriend enter in the classroom.I immediately grab the wrist of Eijun and Yuzuru and immediately leave in classroom in opposite door.

"Where are we going,Haru-chan?"Yuzuru ask letting me to grab her wrist.

"You grabbed our wrist without saying anything.What's wrong?"Eijun ask me and I let their wrist.

I shake my head and walk inside of the canteen.Since...I really didn't eat anything this morning,I'm really hungry and my stomach is growling.

"What do you want,Haru-chan?Eijun will treat us..."Yuzuru ask me and Eijun pout his lips but Yuzuru glare him making him smile and nod to Yuzuru.

Honestly...they look together but Yuzuru will freak out if I said loudly what I'm thinking towards them.I know that Yuzuru is in love with someone who cannot love her back.

"Anything that is edible..."I answer before yawning and taking a sit.

"So...what's wrong with you,Haru-chan?Looks like you're avoiding someone."Yuzuru started a topic and it's about what happen ago.

Will I tell them or not?Will they keep it as a secret?Will they will never tell to anyone?Can I trust them?

"Haru-chan...I know that you're afraid to trust someone know that I can keep secrets but I'm pretty sure that Eijun can keep secrets although he look like an idiot."Yuzuru said while looking at Eijun who's eating like a child.

"Atleast...I'm cute being a idiot."Eijun replied before drinking.

"Cute your ass..."Yuzuru replied back and roll her eyes before looking at me again.

I sigh because I really don't know what I'm going to do what happen between me and Yuki.It was very wrong in any angle...

"There's something happen between me and Yuki...last night we had sex but I tried to stop the end...he didn't stop."I told them making Yuzuru and Eijun spit the food that was on their mouth.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!"they both ask in same time.

I just nod because I really don't know if it's a right thing to tell them about this.I really don't want to ruin a relationship just because what happen to us.

"Haru-chan...I know my cousin very well,so I advice to you to avoid matter what.Don't let him to talk to you or anything that will cause to happen the same thing that happen between you and Yuki."Yuzuru advice like she's going to freak out because of what I confess to them.

"Don't worry,Yuzuru...I will be Haru's bodyguard incase that Yuki will going to talk to him."Eijun proclaim and he raise his right hand like he's promising it.

Yuzuru nod and I just nod because they are my best friends even though I have a trust issues to them.I know that they will never leave me matter what.

Eijun look like a idiot because of what's he's doing.He's like a CCTV camera watching the surroundings when he's with me.He never leave me when Yuzuru is busy with some things.Then...Yuzuru will accompany me when she had a free time so that Eijun will have a rest time.

" Kamado Yuki found..."he said like he's my slave and I'm his boss.

I just chuckled what he did because the girl is smiling when they saw Eijun's genuinely smile.He's a campus boy...just kidding.He really don't like one just like Yuzuru but Eijun is really handsome.

I just gulp when I saw Yuki with his friend walking towards our direction.Eijun immediately grab my wrist and run in right side so that Yuki will never see me and talk to me.I know that he really want to talk to me but seems like Yuzuru did he stop Yuki from his nonsense thoughts in his mind.

I really need to avoid Yuki to prevent ruining his relationship with Anko.I really don't want to ruin it.

I held his arm tightly when I felt his tounge exploring the inside of my mouth.I'm kissing Yuki inside of the storage room.He caught me easily when Yuzuru and Eijun was not around with me.

"You thought you can escape from me,Haru...? really cannot escape to me."he whisper to my ears with his husky voice making me feel shiver to my whole body.

"Please...I don't want ruin the relationship between you and Anko."I begging to him but he really don't want me to let go again from him.

"Ruin it...Haru...ruin it until you will realize something...something wrong."