heading back home

After four days in San Andreas, it was a great day and a wonderful trip. Now the family is back on the boat heading back home, Dhaka is out on the deck with Morocco and Luca, Elliott walks up to her. " yeah, you okay? Answered. Dhaka, " thank you for invited me along. I got heart pains, said. Elliott, " heart pains? Asked. Dhaka, " yes, I handle being friends, it's being madly in love with you. Is killing me, said. Elliott, Dhaka, turns around and looks at him. " yes, I'm still in love with you, that is going to be a big problem. Said, Elliott. She rubs his chest, he strokes her face. They landed at the dock when Howard and Karla walked up, " this was a wonderful trip, I am enjoying it. Said, Howard, "I am glad that you did dad, I hope near future that I can get you to go on more trips. Said, Dhaka. " me too, said. Karla, they got off the ship and go on the plane, " will see, you okay Elliott? Asked. Howard, "I am good sir, how are you? Asked. Elliott, yeah, back to work. Said, Howard. They land on the ground, got off the plane, got in the van, and headed home. It is dark outside, as they pulled up at Elliott's apartment, they got out of the van. " I feel the same way too, it is going to be hard not being together and working together, we will, more than you know, I am in love with you. Not be with you is killing me too, see you at work tomorrow. " she is in love with him, Howard. He is in love with her, you and your emotions are standing in the way of them being together. They never meant to be friends, they were meant to be partners in life and on the job. He walked into the apartment, and she got in the car and take her parents home. " kids tell your grandmother and grandfather by, and see them next time. She pulled up to their house, " you call us when you get home, and baby girl I love you and see you three tomorrow morning, said. Howard, " bye dad and mom, dad take it easy. And I love you too, See you in the morning, they walk inside of the house, and it is dark outside, she pulled up in the gates and the garage, she got her bags and Morocco and Luca and inside of the house, Drake take them off the leeches and they ran into their room, he walked inside and disappeared. Dhaka poured herself some wine and walked into her room, and got into the showers. And finished her wine and went to bed, sleep tight in Dhaka. In Manchester, there has been a widespread murder, in the Beau, who needs help bad and reaching out to the Oceana beau department. It was Sunday early morning, around 5:00 am, Dhaka and Howard got to the station at the same time. " morning grandkids and baby girl, said. Howard, " morning dad, it is a bit early for that. Said, Dhaka. Elliott pulled up at the Beau and got out of the car, " morning sir, and Dhaka. Said, " morning Elliott, they walked into the office and upstairs. And into his office, where he is getting a call coming in, " we need to hire people to help you in the lab and more field people to run the field, ( this is Sergeant Portsmith how may the crime division help you.) Asked, Howard. " (i got a series of murders here, I need your help, ) he said. "( do you have a laboratory?) Asked. Howard, " ( no, we old fashioned here.) " if you find evidence to send it through data express, take Morocco and Luca and solve this Dhaka and Elliott, ( i sending you my field agent and lab agent, she diagnosis here and send everything through data express,) said. Howard, " Drake go with him, Morocco and Luca be a good girl and boy for dad. If you want a treat, they left out of the office and left. She walked into the lab and cut everything on. Josh and Danny walked inside, " you are in the wrong department you two, said. Dhaka, " I need something tested. " you are not part of this division, the lab is only for the criminal division, not the Beau. Said, Howard. " so we can't use it? Asked. Josh, " that' s right, you don't go on cases and find the evidence you go on the patrol. They didn't like that at all, morning Dhaka how did you sleep? " not that great, specialty when you found the one that you want to be with, in the world is against you. Said, Dhaka, he sends the first clue to her by data express. " what's wrong Dhaka? she takes her glasses off and looked at her father, " I love you and I will do anything you, run a lab team, run the lab, stay and lived in Oceanna, I never felt this way about anyone before, this not little and won't go away overnight, because last night I stay up all night, with a bottle of wine until I fall asleep, you have to cut the leech and let the ring go, the right suitable guy has come along. You go to let me go and be happy, I can not fight my heart for you anymore, I want to be with Elliott. That can only happen if you stay aside as my father and let him take your place as the second man in my life. Said, Dhaka, " blood we have the results in the hour. " maybe I am being selfish and do not want to lose you yet, and being blind to the fact that he is not only the right partner for you and the right man for you, but my baby girl is also all grown up into a rare exotic flower. Let all four of us have dinner tonight, invite him over and I will tell your mother. how long? Asked. Howard, The inspector chef walked into the room, meanwhile at the bakery shop, business is booming. " Joan walked inside of the door, " you back? asked., Joan. " yes, what can I give you, and what do you want Joan, said. Karla, "( I told you, Howard, you were getting in the way, now look what it has done,) "( I know will you help me right this wrong?) begging Howard. " (She did, I was hurting her, I can not stand when she gets hurt, I was the cost of it.) Said, Howard. "(hon, yes it happens too soon, but she is a swan that is ready to fly, we have to let go and trust that she finds her way home, these promise is hurting no one but the both of you,) fix her freaking sandwich so she can go, she walked into the office with the screen to continue to talk with her husband. " I will be right with you. she doesn't care for you much, may for now on you need to go somewhere else to eat. Dhaka send the results back to him through data express, she walked into the office and give him the file, " good job baby girl, did you send it to him. Asked, Howard, " yet. "(thanks, sir we need to talk,) said, Elliot, " (I agree, we will talk when you get back home, ) said. Howard, "(how are the kids and Drake doing?) Asked. Dhaka, down in the Beau they walked into the door. " they are doing great, we need to talk to. At the bakery, Karla walked out of the office, " everything okay. Asked. Sara, " he finally let go after so many talks, it only took him to see how he is hurting her. Said, Karla. " now to set her straight, she needs to let Elliott go so he can be happy. She walks over to her and said, " you like coming here to eat, do you? don't talk just listen. I only going to say this once, you have no reason not to like my daughter, they can't help that they both fell for each other. Love works mysteriously, you want the golden customer ticket. You need to let his leech go and let him go. Your son and my daughter are in love with each other, if not found a new bakery and there is the door down let it hit you on the way out, now you can speak what is going to be for you to realize that he is not a little boy anymore, that he is his own man. she pulls out the ticket, " the VIP table, the VIP meal cheesesteak flatbread, large order of fries, and your choice of drink and dessert. At Portsmith everyone is a VIP, you do right by us and we do you right. " he is mine so, he is not ready to be with anyone yet, " said you and my husband, she does not kid anymore and either is he, you are not welcome here anymore, leave the food. take your money and leave and never come back. she takes the money that she gives back to her, and she left. they finally got the murder and locked them up. and they are heading back home, in the beau. " in the beau. " these few days your patrol ratings have been ranking up to 10% Josh you need to rank up your new chief will respect more from you, and you make a nice addition to the criminal division. Danny is still at zero, to get rank you need to arrest, you need to focus on patrolling the beek, not chasing shadow figures. or I going to have to drop you from this force if you can clean up and shape, maybe Josh you need a partner that you both can get ranks together, and you need someone to bark at you and get you to do your job, Danny this is your last chance to bust your *ss up there. Toni and Mareno come in here please. They walked inside off the office. upstairs in the criminal division, Case closed.Elliott pulled up in the parking lot when his mother called him, "(I am working mom, what do you want?) he walked into the door, " (sorry are you happy Elliott?) he hangs up on her. and inside of The door, " sir we are a team, but we can be a partner at home too, it not going to ruin the partnership, but strengthen it. said, Elliott. " I don't want to be your friend and set back in watching someone else be in your life when I should be the one that should be in your life, " you see how your partners on the job and would make your partner grow stronger together, you got my blessing to see each other and I am sorry that I stand in the way, " it's okay sir. They walked up to each other and they kissed each other. " you see how your partners are on the job and would make your partner grow stronger together, you got my blessing to see each other and I am sorry that I stand in the way, " it's okay sir. They walked up to each other and they kissed each other. " we like you to have dinner with us son, say around seven, " I will be there sir. so has the day dies down, everything is goods again Dhaka? she nods at me. after their last visited Karla closed up for the day. And at the same time pulled up at the house. " what time they are coming? Asked. Karla, " at seven, it is time for that famous meal she likes, said. Howard, Elliott pulled up at his apartment, his brother was waiting for him. "