"Don't worry, I will go,' he said. "If you could carry on showing Ken around.'

"I can deal with the patient,' Kylie said. "You are in the middle of conducting an interview.'

"I know, but the patient to be my mother-in-law.' Andrew rolled his eyes. "The interviews has already been interrupted twice. My apologies again, Ken..."

"it's no problem at all,' Ken said. "Take your time.'

As Andrew walked off Kylie stood there and she truly didn't know what to say.

she kept praying that the alarm clock would buzz, or that there would be a knock on the door to the on-call room and she'd would find out she was having a bad dream.

A vaguely sexy bad dream, though, because rather inappropriately, given the circumstances, she couldn't help but notice how amazing he looked.

When in Spain, the time that he had clothes on Ken had dressed smartly, though, Somewhat more casually than he was now. Today, on a Monday morning, he seemed too beautiful for the scruffy emergency department. Dressed in a dark grey suit and tie, his hair was shorter than she remembered but it's still had enough length that it fell forward. Clean-shaven he smelt as he had the last time she had seen him, the moment he had stepped out of shower. The moment she had walked away and he hasn't stopped fact he had held the door open.

And, just like that day, she could feel his contained anger.

"Has the cat got your tongue, Kylie?' He asked as she stood in silence.

It would that it had because still she said nothing.

"Well, I will make this very simple for you, then,' he pushed on. "A, B, C or D?'

Kylie could feel her eye lashes blink rapidly as he sped through the muiti-choice he had created just for her.

He continued staring at her and raised an eyebrow, "It seems, you are surprised and dumbstruck to see me here Kylie. Now, let's make this easy, shall we. A—Mine, B—Not mine, C—Taken, D—Not sure.'

She sighed. "Ken..." She said, and how strange it felt to be saying his name while looking at him again. How odd it felt that he was here, terribly beauitful, terribly cross. "It's not that simple..." Kylie attempted. But it was to him.

"A, B or C, Kylie?'

She couldn't meet his eyes as she delivered the answer. "A"




Ken said nothing at first. He tried to stare her down but she refused to look at him as she now attempted to speak.

"I was going to try to find out where you were working. Today, in fact,' Kylie said. What was she even thinking? If she knew, he was going to appear at the hospital, where she works, she could have avoided him.

"I don't believe you for a moment.'

She couldn't blame him for that. After all, she planned to hid the baby from him, from the beginning and if it weren't for Alora giving her some advice to reach out to him, she wouldn't be doing be this sort of thing. He was a married man, she's got some pride left and she doesn't need a man to raise her child.

"What time to do you finish work?' Ken asked.

"I've got plans tonight,' Kylie said to his shoulder, because she still couldn't meet his eyes.

"Tough,' he said. "Cancel them.'

"I've actually got the doctor's appointment.'

He hestitated but he refused to be fobbed off. "What time is your appointment?'

"Five,' she said. "But my obstetrician is a friend of mine and I'm going there for dinner afterwards..." She was floundering for excuses. She would far prefer to have had this conversation over the phone via email. There at least she could have hidden from his angry gaze.

And, Yes, he was angry...even if she was doing her best not to see it, she could feel it from his stance and she could hear it in his terse voice.

"I'm quite sure that your obstetrician friend will understand that you can't make dinner because you're going to be having a long overdue conversation with your baby's father and..." He halted and glanced over her shoulder and Kylie guessed that Andrew was making his way back.

"Name somewhere,' Ken said, "And, I will be there.'

She hestiated a beat too long for his impatient mood.

"Name somewhere,' he said again, "or I will just keep right on talking until you do and your boss will quickly realise that I have a rather vested interest in this maternity leave position.

And, of course she didn't want that and what was wrong...

"At John's,' Kylie said, referring to a wine bar that a lot of staff at the hospital frequented. "It's just down the st..."

"I'm sure, that I'm capable of working it out.'

The conversation between them ended as Andrew joined them again and started the conversation on his own.

"How's your mother-in-law?' Ken asked politely.

"Thankfully, she's about to head off to the ward.' Andrew drew out a long sigh of relief. "Would you like to come and take a look at the radiology department, Ken?'

"Sure, I'd love to,' he replied and turned towards Kylie addressing her, "and, it was nice meeting you Kylie.' He smiled and Kylie smiled as well and they both left.

Kylie still couldn't believe her eyes that, she met Ken. Why did they have to meet and why was he even here or could it be he came looking for her. No way, this is was not how she planned all these and she never had this thought that she will see him again or for him to remember her. She was such a dummy, she could have just put up a bold face and walk away from him. Instead, she was staring at him like a lovesick fool and was even taken by how handsome he was. And, he smelled so good.