"Alright,' he smiled and also nodded. He opened his drawer and brought out the files, opening it, bringing out a white piece of paper and handing it over to him. Lance stretched his hand, taking the paper from him and looked at it. His heart was beating at a rapid rate, he could feel the sweat on his forehead. Because of how nervous he was and stopping his hands from shaking with the paper. He looked up and faked a smile. "What does this mean?' He hoped there was good news this time, he couldn't feel his body, his hands even began to sweat and he didn't want to hear the same old story and at least, this time there should be improvement right?

 That was his hope.

"It means, you have a low sperm count,' he revealed what was on the test result. 

"What,' Lance muttered in horror.

"Yes, Mr Montero. You do have a low sperm count and there's a little chance you might get a child but we are not so certain about that,'